Roll call of states June 28, Oregon Was present !! I answered up both times but apparently not heard.

If you have something you want in the next meeting week's agenda please make a new topic here including the date of the meeting.
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Joined: Fri Jun 22, 2018 11:04 am
County: County and
Your State: Oregon

Roll call of states June 28, Oregon Was present !! I answered up both times but apparently not heard.

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It was. Nice to hear from the Texas ranger. The reaction about sherif authority was expected but Robert , you handled it properly. Public servants are working under the corporate world and they may not even know the difference. We are not at war with these people. We only need to replace our republic back where it belonged . Rangers along with thousands of other good patriots work and provide for family and community as they should. I'm a vet and my heart warmed to hear the several thanks for that rangers service.
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Re: Roll call of states June 28, Oregon Was present !! I answered up both times but apparently not heard.

Unread post by Linda »

Dear Bob (Oregon),
Thanks for your note. Oregon presence on call duly noted.
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Re: Roll call of states June 28, Oregon Was present !! I answered up both times but apparently not heard.

Unread post by Destry »

Attendance list updated
“First, let no one rule your mind or body. Take special care that your thoughts remain unfettered... . Give men your ear, but not your heart. Show respect for those in power, but don't follow them blindly. Judge with logic and reason, but comment not. Consider none your superior whatever their rank or station in life. Treat all fairly, or they will seek revenge. Be careful with your money. Hold fast to your beliefs and others will listen.”
“Wise? No, I simply learned to think.”
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