Building the non profit treasury benefiting the community

If you have something you want in the next meeting week's agenda please make a new topic here including the date of the meeting.
James Kopecky
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Building the non profit treasury benefiting the community

Unread post by James Kopecky »

1/ where does the funds come from,
2/ after operating expenses it has to benefit the community.
3/ Positive Law, One may not collect tax contributions for a profit, it has to be for a good purpose with book entry of honor
4/ I am now after three years of playing on the Courts from the fire State of State started the Last Man With Standing. The State of State has exhausted all if its appeals and is injunction, and even in contempt for having no standing attempted to ignore the Injunction. I still have standing and all those three years of prize money has to benefit the people. That's where the treasure starts building. My papers need to read on the top 1776 United States of America national assembly etc etc etc. This is a real deal right now, but it is near impossible to collect without having the nonprofit backing. This is the sour subject that eventually needs to get out in the air, sooner than later in my opinion.
MD Heartright
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Re: Building the non profit treasury benefiting the community

Unread post by MD Heartright »

I read this a few times and still do not truly grasp the meaning of what was written. Would the author please recheck this work and make corrections so that we simple folk can grasp the meaning and intent of what was written. Thank you.
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Re: Building the non profit treasury benefiting the community

Unread post by Destry »

The only lawful tax is tariffs on imported goods. That is enough money to support a minimal government. Any other tax is a direct apportioned tax levied against the people in violation of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
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Re: Building the non profit treasury benefiting the community

Unread post by Rigakosp »

First setup an EIN as an individual banker non profit. This makes you article 4. Then file a NON- UCC For this new not for profit article 4. You cannot operate in article 1-3 as a not for profit citizen. However the EIN has to be filled out correctly for the IRS to recognize you are article 4. Register mail and certify mail these documents to yourself as well. Upper right corner place a one dollar stamp with the flag on the document. This makes it federal as the stamp is a reserve note. Sign across the stamp making the documents your contract and you the owner. Also place your two forefingers as prints in red on the document as witness.
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