Definitions of “Person” in Alaska Statute

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Definitions of “Person” in Alaska Statute

Unread post by Destry »

We located 50 unique definitions of “person” through a search of the Lexis database of Alaska Statutes. Three of
those definitions appear in two distinct sections of statute. The attached table provides the text of each of the
definitions we encountered and their respective statutory citations. Please note that although we believe our
research to be thorough, there may be additional definitions of "person" in Alaska statute that we failed to locate
due to variations in wording and construction.
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Re: Definitions of “Person” in Alaska Statute

Unread post by pulldapin » what is the definition for about natural person... and how is it that the word being defined has that same word in the does that work?
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Re: Definitions of “Person” in Alaska Statute

Unread post by KarenPalmer »

I found this document when doing a search for "persons". It offers definitions in each state, so it is a pretty good reference.
tue_haskins_handout2, person definitions.pdf
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Re: Definitions of “Person” in Alaska Statute

Unread post by pulldapin »

i notice a where in these so called "definitions" does one see man, woman or people...i believe that by remaining in the image (man)of The creator, God almighty, one is immune from liability in a fictional is when we agree to be these other titles, names, labels, etc. do we find ourselves in a tar pit so to speak...

great thread by the by

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