Agreement with The Five Nations April 23, 1792.

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Agreement with The Five Nations April 23, 1792.

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Agreement with The Five Nations
April 23, 1792.

George Washington, President of the United States of America, "To all who shall see these presents, greeting:

"Whereas an article has been stipulated with the Five Nations of Indians, by, and with the advice and consent of the Senate of the United States, which article is in the words following, to wit:

"'The President of the United States, by Henry Knox, Secretary for the Department of War, stipulates, in behalf of the United States, the following article, with the Five Nations of Indians, so called, being the Senecas, Oneidas, and the Stockbridge Indians, incorporated with them the Tuscaroras, Cayugas, and Onondagas, to wit: the United States, in order to promote the happiness of the Five Nations of Indians, will cause to be expended, annually, the amount of one thousand five hundred dollars, in purchasing for them clothing, domestic animals, and implements of husbandry, and for encouraging useful artificers to reside in their villages.

"'In behalf of the United States: [L. S.] H. Knox,

Secretary for the Department of War.
Done in the presence of Tobias Lear, Nathan Jones.

"Now, know ye, That I, having seen and considered the said article, do accept, ratify, and confirm the same.

"In testimony whereof, I have caused the seal of the United States to be hereunto affixed, and signed the same with my hand.

"Given at the City of Philadelphia, the twenty-third day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety-two, and in the sixteenth year of the sovereignty and independence of the United States.


"By the President:

Source= ... s1792.html
“First, let no one rule your mind or body. Take special care that your thoughts remain unfettered... . Give men your ear, but not your heart. Show respect for those in power, but don't follow them blindly. Judge with logic and reason, but comment not. Consider none your superior whatever their rank or station in life. Treat all fairly, or they will seek revenge. Be careful with your money. Hold fast to your beliefs and others will listen.”
“Wise? No, I simply learned to think.”
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