Beacon37 Letter: The attached is our open invitation to all who wish to share

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Beacon37 Letter: The attached is our open invitation to all who wish to share

Unread post by Destry »

The attached is our open invitation to all who wish to share our information, education, process, communication, etc. may we all be blessed.

We the People
in keeping our Honor with authority over the existing public Corporate form
of governance and its statutes; by our superior laws
that were brought forward by the Continental Congress as convened
on the twenty fifth day of March, in the year Two-thousand eighteen,
the proper and private united states of America.

The foundation of the united states of America being the original
13 founding Colonies, Texas Republic, Kin-dom of Hawai'i and 24 Territories,
and include the remaining Territories and nation states as they come forward.

All sovereignty originates with the Creator,
and is a gift to each of the People; any force, threat, fraud, or corruption of this order of authority violates Natural Law and the God-given rights of the People.
The laws of the united states of America are the Unwritten Laws, the Biblical Laws, the Maxims of Law and Treaty Law (Article VI Constitution for,
the supreme law of the land).
There is no need for any other Law, for these Laws are superior to all other
laws. All power and authority rests in perpetuity with the People.
Absolute and arbitrary power over the Life, Liberty and Property of the People does not exist in the united states of America, not even among the largest majority.

The People of that united states of America have chosen not to fight the existing reality, but to build a strong and better model that makes the existing model obsolete.

We are private, peaceful and lawful.

It is the incumbent right and responsibility of the private People to resolve differences among ourselves and remain always in Honor.
When trespassed upon by The Corporation, our methods of enforcement hold them accountable to their oath of office.
Article VI says that treaties are the supreme law of the land. Education encompasses how to engage the public side through the private side when we are superimposed upon.

Wire or mail fraud is committed through the mail and emails. When Public

officials commit these violations, a complaint can be filed with the Universal Postal Union both civilly and criminally.

A criminal complaint can be filed with the bonding company and
establish a precedent judgment against the Public official's bond. Treaty
violations are heard at the Federal Claims court in Washington, D.C.
The “corporation” holds their officials
accountable and responsible with these legal actions.

We are in dominion over the Public Corporate Government with the knowledge that there is a “Private” and a “Public”, that to which We,
the People belong, is the private.

There is a place for the Common Law Jury and Grand Jury style system,
in the Private, among the developing communities with the Common Good having Common Law Courts and Grand Juries as We the People self-govern.
This system of governance is the correct fit for the current and future needs
of this united states of America.

By what-ever Nature or Cause that brings forth the People to this
united states of America, there is and forever henceforth the ongoing need
and desire to serve these People with the knowledge of that law form
and the Statutory, Rules, and Regulations for the benefit of moving
this united states of America into the annals of history.

It is written in Scripture that some are hands, others are feet or eyes.
We all have talents.
There are many issues not yet settled, and some not yet considered
in the minds of those who pursue such an undertaking as this,
due to the enormity of this task.

Let us decide and dedicate ourselves to the fullest extent of our measure
to the proper use of these our God given talents
not only for ourselves, our families, and for the longevity and prosperity
of our children, so that far reaching inevitable future of
those generations yet to come, may hold us all as in venerable to this
our common goal and keep them forever in perpetual union
as brothers and sisters dedicated to our future preservation
as thus we have so earnestly begun.

Togetherness _.doc
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“First, let no one rule your mind or body. Take special care that your thoughts remain unfettered... . Give men your ear, but not your heart. Show respect for those in power, but don't follow them blindly. Judge with logic and reason, but comment not. Consider none your superior whatever their rank or station in life. Treat all fairly, or they will seek revenge. Be careful with your money. Hold fast to your beliefs and others will listen.”
“Wise? No, I simply learned to think.”
Jeffrey Joseph
Posts: 2
Joined: Mon Dec 17, 2018 3:36 am
County: Hawaii
Your State: Hawaii

Hawaii Beacon37

Unread post by Jeffrey Joseph »

I wish to share. We are private, peaceful and lawful.

It is the incumbent right and responsibility of the private People to resolve differences among ourselves and remain always in Honor.
When trespassed upon by The Corporation, our methods of enforcement hold them accountable to their oath of office.
Article VI says that treaties are the supreme law of the land. Education encompasses how to engage the public side through the private side when we are superimposed upon.
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