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Town hall on mass shootings tonight

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2019 9:55 pm
by Destry
> Comments by Ron Avery at:
> "Part 2 of 3 Part Town Hall Meeting on Gun Violence & Mass Shootings: Public Safety"
> sponsored by City Councilman Manny Pelaez District 8 San Antonio, Texas
> Thursday night August 29, 2019 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
> Central Library 600 Soledad San Antonio, Texas 78205
> Call 210/207-0943 or email:
> Panelist:
> Bexar County Sheriff Javier Salazar
> UTSA Police Chief Gerald Lewis, Jr.
> San Antonio Police Chief William McManus
> San Antonio Fire Chief Charles Hood
> Focus On:
> A panel Discussion inviting public safety and law enforcement leaders to discuss:
> best safety practices in the event of an active shooter scenario,
> community avoidance,
> readiness, and
> mitigation strategies.
> Comment by Ron Avery:
> Mass shootings and shooting sprees are not a new phenomenon but their accelerating frequency is and I offer the following as a explanation for this since 2001:
> 1. The United States has adopted a UN conceived plan to completely disarm the American people and to keep only fire arms required for the state to maintain civil order. This plan is called "Freedom From War." Those who are responsible for this plan know that the American people would never agree to such a thing, but with the increase of random mass shootings, the people would be easily encouraged to demand disarmament of the population.
> 2. Prior to the 9/11/01 attack in New York, people demanded more investigation of mass shootings which people now accept without question. The population will absorb any sloppy account of these mass shootings by the mass media. There are over 20 witnesses that saw 3 or 4 men dressed in all black enter the Walmart in El Paso shooting everywhere. Yet the mass media has reported only one shooter in light pants and dark top. A similar situation exists with regard to the Parkland High School shooting in Florida which is surrounded by many other disturbing facts such as a planned mass shooting drill on the same day.
> 3. Self defense and the defense of one's community is a natural God given right which cannot be voided or repealed by man and is declared in the 2nd Amendment. Disarmament of the American people is against the law of the land.
> 4. Terrorism is the use of violence or the threat of same to alter public policy or law.
> 5. Those that use the violent acts of others to alter public policy or law are also terrorists by definition. The use of mass shootings to disarm the American people is terrorism.
> 6. The mass media has developed and continually uses misleading terminology to describe mass shootings and gun related events.
> Logical Solutions:
> Five logical programs spring from recognition of the above six facts to assure mass shootings are done solely by lunatics rather than tyrants or a combination of the same:
> 1. The mass media must stop creating and using misleading and false terminology to describe mass shooting events, e.g., there is no such thing as an "assault weapon." Anything can become an assault weapon if used to assault someone, conversely, anything used to repel an assault is a defense weapon. All assault weapons are unlawful and all defense weapons are lawful. The naming of any tool or weapon an "assault weapon" in order to prevent the people from keeping and bearing an effective weapon against tyranny is unlawful, in violation of the 2nd Amendment. There is also no such thing as "gun violence." People do violence or defend themselves from it with tools. All such use of terminology to deprive the people of an effective defense to tyranny is unlawful and more reason to keep all firearms.
> 2. Law should require all evidence to be made public for all to see, including crime scene photos and autopsy reports, whenever any crime is used as leverage to alter the 2nd Amendment depriving the people of America of an effective defense to government tyranny.
> 3. Law should declare that the use of crimes committed by others to alter the 2nd Amendment is an act of terrorism.
> 4. Law should require that anytime a crime is used to disarm the American People, strict and complete proof of same must be made public. If a crime is not used for that purpose then there is no need for such exhaustive public disclosure. But the defense of the American People to tyranny under the 2nd Amendment far outweighs the concerns of the relatives of victims of mass shootings and all evidence must therefore be made public on the internet.
> 5. Law should declare that proof of a mass shooting to have occurred exactly as reported does not warrant or justify the disarmament of the American People. No crime should be justification for another crime of greater importance. The maintenance of an effective and sufficient defense to government tyranny by the American People is superior to all other laws of the land.
> Thank you Councilman Pelaez and Panelists for this opportunity to suggest new law to further protect the people that does not infringe upon nor alter the most vital 2nd Amendment.
> Sincerely,
> Ronald F. Avery
> Live Stream of this event: