California General Assembly for July 12th,2020

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Moderator: sstrykert

Posts: 220
Joined: Thu Apr 30, 2020 8:04 am
County: Riverside
Your State: California

California General Assembly for July 12th,2020

Unread post by sstrykert »

Attention those viewing,
This post is to serve notice that a conference call for the California Jural Assembly will be held on Sunday, July 12th at 8 P.M. The phone number will be provided to those interested to move forward on the myriad issues awaiting us. Upon looking over these forums dedicated to California, we, as concerned Californians, have not yet found the needed direction so as to begin effective initiation of our people's representation inside California.

The past assembly organizational efforts have "claimed" leadership to us regarding formalities of the California Jural Assemblies. However, we, as Jural Members, have not yet seen the needed follow-through or example to bring us the solid direction we must have to take our Jural Assembly seriously. We need the structure and remedy offered in the "Handbook for the Restoration of the Peaceful sovereign States of America, as well as practicing the "Ten Steps to an Assembly". We have been denied our right to know how to do this right!

So we have started anew, and our California General Jural Assembly has already begun. We have already held meetings that will build upon each other, to address the grievances that need to be remedied inside our counties, and we are asking those to join us who understand California's desperate situation.

After the conclusion of this conference call, we will be making significant decisions to assign various needed service positions to serve to re-invigorate and drive forward the California Jural Assembly into tangible accomplishments in fields of study, membership expansion and seeding the counties that are perceived as open. We will be settling any current division or confusion of where we stand as California's General Jural Assembly -- bringing all of the past uncertainty, which holds us back, to a close with no regret.

This notice will be posted in the Californis General Assembly forums for adequate opportunity for involvement in the call and allow for witnesses.

This notice served,
July Second,
In Year of Our Lord,
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