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Reflections on the Need for Sacred Honor

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2021 1:08 am
by TheFourthMonth
Sacred Honor 01 R.5.mp3
Reading of Written Text
(2.68 MiB) Downloaded 155 times

Our Sacred Oath demands from us our Word of Honor. We need to understand
what our Word of Honor is in order to become a genuine sovereign. Being sovereign
requires that we become willing to look at ourselves, and realize who we are, where
we come from, our inheritance and where we stand in the current dangers of
this fallen world.

This is no mere worldly endeavor. The search for delusions of grandeur will come
crashing down, but in the quiet wake, at last we find a mighty presense of True Destiny:
a path that really goes somewhere.

The striving to shed self-centered fear, sometimes seemingly impossible, requires
the receiving of a humility that often seems revulsive. In facing a government and
individuals who will smile at us, and then take our children, who traffic people to use
for unspeakable horror. Our survival modes come up and we want to charge in and
demolish the whole camp. But they will pop up again. We know this. This is the
seeming nature of evil.

Where did they come from? They slipped through those back doors in our lives,
where the blind eye was turned. We trusted our human fantasies of who they were,
and they knew this. But it was so hard to resist their accommodations, their promises,
their flatteries.

It's so hard to see, so far to fall, there are so many of them, and they know how we
loved them, and how our experience of their betrayal is hard to come back from.
This is a "seeming victory" of evil. However, evil is not an infinitive.
Death has already been destroyed.

In the loss of knowing what to do, we turn to each other in attempts to use reason
as a guide. The insanity we face in Our Enemy, who laughs at us, as we fail to surrender
to the Law of Truth; that we are not a match for his seductive and deceitful slight-of-hand.
We find that reason will not save us.

But the knowledge of reason is very useful, and we need to have all it can give, but we
must go further, with true respect, as we honor the Law of Truth.

In the last 2000 years, we see the dust settle from the death and resurrection of Christ.
We are witnessing last ditch efforts to prove there is no God, and this "vanity of vanities"
is on its last leg.

We will as People, People of God, put the Enemy under Our Creator's footstool.