Expulsion from CGJA/National assembly advised

Moderator: sstrykert

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Expulsion from CGJA/National assembly advised

Unread post by sstrykert »

To: The National Assembly; All State Assemblies; All Bodies Associated with These Same Assemblies
From: The California General Jural Assembly
Name of the Expelled: Valerie Ozsu
County: Solano
State: California

To whom it may concern;

During the California General Jural Assembly Meeting conducted on July 25, 2021, we the people of California did vote to expel,&indefinitely suspend Valerie Ozsu from the California General Jural Assembly. The vote was11 ayes, 0 nays, and 3 abstentions. We have also determined that the same, Valerie Ozsu, is and was in violation of the Bivens Decision , based on her actions,words,& activities. The process we followed to come to this determination was based on recorded observations, conduct on national assembly and California General Jural Assembly conference calls, witness testimony, and other issues.

It is the recommendation of the California General Jural Assembly that this individual should no longer be allowed to associate with the National Assembly, any State Assembly working in cooperation with the National Assembly, and anybody associated to these State and National assemblies.

The California General Jural Assembly

by Sean Thompson,
Communications secretary pro tem,moderator pro tem,
&acting coordinator
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