NOTICE : Regarding Nat. Assembly Rule Book / Oklahoma

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NOTICE : Regarding Nat. Assembly Rule Book / Oklahoma

Unread post by Ron »

Notice: National Assembly Rule Book / Oklahoma

Date: April 13, 2019

Review of request to Construct:

Create a Rule Book to guide Nation State Delegates coming together in order to advance to a Continental Convention so as to be able to form a revived Constitutional Government as we were originally granted by our Forefathers led by our God and Lord Jesus Christ

Oklahoma accepted responsibility to construct said documents as of April 2018 from the then Moderator Robert who asked later to be relieved due to health issues.

Oklahoma asked all states for anyone to contribute to the construction of this needed document. Five states responded and only 3 states actually contributed.

Rule Book documents became constructed over the summer and fall months of 2018. Maturing of information from archival records of our history led to the formation of this document file.

December 2018 and January 2019 Oklahoma requested a peer review from those states and individuals who were operating as part of an A team with multiyear background of Intelligence services with experience of exposing the current corruption we all are experiencing.

As of April 13th 2019 no such peer review either by select group nor individually have been forthcoming.

With deep regret this Rule Book is being withdrawn from publication for lack of interest for a serious effort to restore our God given form of government. Internal dissension and misrepresentation of facts have led to a failure to understand the true common goals we should all share and a means to accomplish.

Those who have helped discover the true history of our path to today are the very ones who have now turned deceptive and destructive to this vital effort. Oklahoma prays sincerely that this someday comes to light and reconciliation can begin once again effectively. Please understand those who read this, God the father and the Lord Jesus Christ are the ones who control our governing body and not man nor some unidentified identity. Without Them at the head of our table then all our efforts are in vain.

Oklahoma Territory Nation

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