5 G Ventilators

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5 G Ventilators

Unread post by stephen »

https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nat ... 996839001/

> Nancy saw protest at White House. 46 nurses have died, link above. More than 100 docs and nurses dead on April 1. The possibility of a five g beam directed from phase array antennas must be investigated and potus notified

Have called Novato ER and my cardiologist without getting a functioning email. Please get this out as people are dying right now and this needs to be researched
> See email “where the the ventilators are made” below:

> Where the ventilators are made (China). This should put everyone at ease. I especially like the “Eternity" model. ( Beijing Eternity Electronic Technology)
> I am going to come right out and say it: This whole Pandemic Hoax is built around a system that intentionally directs microwave beams (five gee) to ICU patients on ventilators to destroy their oxygen metabolism. Patients are chugging along on their respirators when suddenly their O2 drops to zero and they die. This explains the death of ICU nurses who are in good health. I’m not blaming the Chinese doctors and scientists, because this is a killing machine made of multiple pieces, and the people using the final killing system don’t understand it. The effects on oxygen, mitochondria, calcium channels, etc are well understood by the designers of this system.
> Ed
> https://ventilator.tenghuab2b.com/?gcli ... gIpO_D_BwE
> Connectivity for ventilators
> http://medicalconnectivity.com/2007/06/08/connectivity-for-ventilators/
>> On 04/21/2020 03:08 PM, Edward Spencer wrote:
>>> Harry,
>>> if the ventilators are also wireless devices, then the phase array antennas can automatically direct microwaves, 5G, to them. This turns ICUs into combination shooting galleries - abattoirs. This might explain some of the ICU nurse deaths.
>>> Please give me your thoughts on this.
>>> Thanks
>>> Ed
> Harry replies:
>> Hi Ed,
>> The ventilator mentioned in the paper is not a wireless device. In fact, it has a common (back in 2007) RS-232 serial interface. See the manual on page OP E-3
>> https://www.medtronic.com/content/dam/c ... 720D00.pdf
>> All pertinent data is streamed to this port. The doc in the paper wants to read the data out with his "smart" phone (back then called PDA). Well then, why not plug in a converter cable from RS-232 to USB and be done with it? Instead, he wants the "freedom" of one cable when his machine is already connected to the patient and all auxiliary devices with a dozen cables and tubes. But this one cable really bothers him, so he essentially replaces the one cable with a Bluetooth or Wi-Fi bridge.
>> This is problematic from a number of angles. Firstly, a lot of unhealthy microwave radiation is produced and exposes the patient who is struggling for his life. The doc thinks it's OK to hammer him harder for the doc's "convenience" or maybe even "coolness" factor. Secondly, patient data can typically only be wirelessly transmitted if high data security can be assured through a specially encrypted link. For this the MICS (Medical Device Radiocommunications Service) band was created. Neither Bluetooth nor Wi-Fi comply with the security protocol of the MICS band and are therefore woefully inadequate in terms of data security.
>> I'm just some random guy with a tortoise DSL connection and could figure this one out, so what was the doc thinking...?
>> Harry
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