Boojoo, to North Dakota and the public at large.
I have sent this notice to the Current Moderator of the North Dakota Dejure Assembly, Coty Sicble.
They have not responded as of this date. I have turned the evidence over to the National Assembly and this will be dealt with now at their level.
To be fair and to help the assembly I have neither shut down the website or their communications as stated in the letter. I could have shut the site and their comms down but to show good faith I left it all functioning.
I stand upon my letter with supporting facts. They have now went off and created their own separate communications channels and not what was originally set up and supplied them. There has been numerous JCO violations. The history of violations and actions in the past, and now even more evidence of these actions by the members of the NDDA, are evident and they continue to this day.
They have not only knowingly and willfully violated their Oath's, but they have Defamed my name in Public and I will be looking at pursuing further replevin as this is also a violation of my Common Law Copyright/Trademark. This undue defamation has caused me undue harm and hinderance to my efforts as the ND Coordinator and Dickey County Moderator to Assemble a proper Grand Jury for North Dakota. Their mis-comprehension/will-full Ignorance of what is taking place is not only going to get them in trouble but give all States Jury's a bad name/reputation/image when they start acting improperly as a Jury. They have been mislead once again, I was trying to reign it back in before it got out of control. Instead they chose to ignore members requests and mutiny once again against National-Assembly Rules and Guidelines as well as the State Guidelines. The evidence and witness's to these acts will show that I will be proven correct and that the defamation/actions were unauthorized, improperly done, as well as violations of their JCO's.
We are , always have been, and will continue to be a American Pats. After our years in service and all we have done to help everyone (Dickey County is only vets at this time) it is an insult to be treated as such and we will not stand for it either. Vets have more authority in a State of Emergency so that is why I have been choosing only vets in my county. Since we are in State of Emergency the other Counties may want to do the same as it gives more legal footing in actions against officials. You should already be aware of this if you have been doing your research.
I will continue to research as I have, to help out the North Dakota Assembly's, National-Assembly, as well as all others. All Dickey County and I are asking is to be included once again as it our right to be. No one has the authority to squash others voices.. that is censoring, and we know we all had enough of that already.
Thank you for your time in this important matter, be in peace God speed,
ND Coordinator/Dickey County Moderator
Clinton Ray Kessler©™
Clint;Kessler with prejudice
Official Notice-Actions taken against North Dakota Dejure Assembly
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Re: Official Notice-Actions taken against North Dakota Dejure Assembly
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Prayers & Peace of mind to Dickey county.
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