Hawaii General Jural Assembly Notice

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Hawaii General Jural Assembly Notice

Unread post by Mliv92 »


I believe we share the knowledge that we have all been raised in a divisive culture.
As such, it's almost second nature for contention and personality conflicts to arise as we proceed with making a difference.

Hawaii State Assembly experienced a serious example of this on their second in person gathering on July 29, 2022.
Two members representing Kauai County attended as only guests, and yet disrupted and delayed the process of the prepared agenda
for nearly two hours. The moderator, also from Kauai, did not control the situation as his role would normally be expected to do.
Some have interpreted this as collusion to the disruption.

The result of this disruption opened the eyes of the current state members as to the danger of one county prevailing in control
over the other counties. As a result, urgent action was deemed necessary to ensure that control risk will not be possible going forward.

A Board of Review was quickly pulled together from members across three other counties; and phone call inquiries began.

Of note is that the primary disruptor had declined invitations to meet the rest of us prior to this meeting.
He made a motion for Kauai to vet the comprehension of everyone before Kauai is willing to join the state.
This motion should have been squelched as Kauai was not yet fully assembled. The suggestion that all the two years
and more of work following Michigan's model, should be tossed out and begun again. Many heated discussions followed.

Collaborators to this motion were noted and added to the Board of Review to be investigated.
All in all, there were four individuals investigated, and the Board recommended the following:

"In closing the Board of Review recommends all members take a deep look inside themselves.
We must all raise the standards of how we talk and treat one another. Anything less than a behavior that is professional,
compassionate, honest, responsible, humble, respectful, and having integrity will not be tolerated.
With everything we do & say comes from Love and a connectedness to one another not only through our oath of JCO
but through God Almighty, the Creator Of All That Is."

At the next state meeting, August 15th, 2022, the disharmonious methods of discussion continued,
so much so that many people dropped off before it finished.

The Board of Review results were ready by the next state meeting on September 5th, 2022.
During that meeting the results of the inquiries were presented, and the attending members
took a vote for action regarding the members in question. All four were voted out at that meeting.

There was a request from National leadership for all related documents, which were provided.
The purpose for that request appears to be undefined at this point, other than a record keeping purpose.

This is my best description and results of the behaviors and actions that have affected both the
Honolulu County General Jural Assembly, and the Hawaii General Jural Assembly.

If further information is desired, please make inquiries to commsecy@hcgja.org.
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