We, the people from the german national assembly want to inform you, that we are in work for a change in germany.
We know about the things like NWO (New World Order )!
We know who is leading this planet (vatican)!
We know about all important connections about Washington DC, City of London, Skull and Bones, loges, organisations and so on.
We know that the Germany/BRD you know, is a US-Holding.
We are the people who want to free our country. We are on the way to build a german state with the international law.
We startet at 2014,we make decrees, we build a constitution, we have never had before. We know our rights.
We inform with our media/radio platform ddbRadio/ddbNews 2.000.000 people till today. Any in the USA, too.
10.000 people are inside the German National Assembly.
We are looking for like-minded comrades-in-arms worldwide.
We can give you many links, if you want more information, if its allowed.
greetings from germany
press spokesmann of the german national assembly 1/11/2014