Add new states' websites on main page under "state websites" tab

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Add new states' websites on main page under "state websites" tab

Unread post by Wisconsin »

ThanQ for all you have done and are doing, Destry!!!! God bless you and your family!

There are quite a few folks sending people to the main website and if the states who have website could be added on that tab on main page, it is easier to find... it takes awhile to find that information via the national forums, then state forums tab...

Love, Light, Learning!
Shelley aka SMF Veritas
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Re: Add new states' websites on main page under "state websites" tab

Unread post by Shelley aka SMF Veritas »

I wanted to thank you for pushing this topic on the National school calls these last few weeks.

Our website of has been up and active for quite some time, and WAS listed under the states websites tab on the main page of the website.

For some reason, unbeknownst to the people of Arizona, (who are trying very hard to find others to join so that we can officially formalize) it was removed. It has been inquired about at least twice during the "business" portion of the national call, but it has not yet been restored, and no reason as to why it was removed given.

We have followed all protocols suggested of the national school, i.e., set up an FCC call line, create a state website, and start gathering your folks.

If we've already got all these initial protocols set up, and have been meeting since May of 2021, why is it then, that we cannot have our website listed on the main page of, for the people of Arizona to find us, and get a hold of us so that we can officially formalize?

Thank you in advance for your time and attention to this matter.

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Re: Add new states' websites on main page under "state websites" tab

Unread post by Destry »

It's rather simple. Cannot be half pregnant. either you are or you are not. You do not have an assembly until notice is published. You have a group of people working on assembling. Having a website identifying your group as an assembly when you are not is inappropriate.
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Re: Add new states' websites on main page under "state websites" tab

Unread post by Craftmetal »


My name is Michael. I’d appreciate the opportunity to align myself with New Jersey State Assembly. I’ve inquired through email, and re initiated an attempt at a dialogue this evening.
I am open to some guidance with respect to. Additionally, I am confident that I can be successful in recruiting my fellow NJ Patriots to join as well. Thank You for your time in accepting my message!

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Re: Add new states' websites on main page under "state websites" tab

Unread post by kr34tor »

Destry wrote: Sat Apr 29, 2023 1:39 am It's rather simple. Cannot be half pregnant. either you are or you are not. You do not have an assembly until notice is published. You have a group of people working on assembling. Having a website identifying your group as an assembly when you are not is inappropriate.
Our website does not identify with us "having an assembly". It clearly states we are formalizing an assembly. Verbiage approved by Paul. You, Destry helped me set up the website bsck in May of 2021. So if we arent suppised to have a wrbsite, wby did you go to such lengths to help us set one up? Your not being transparent. What hapoened to working together? In almost 2 years, you have said NOTHING, until now, and I think we know why that is.
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Re: Add new states' websites on main page under "state websites" tab

Unread post by kr34tor »

Destry, is there a reason why New York has their website listed in the assembly websites tab? I don't see that they have posted their public notice in the blog. Just for clarification, I am not trying to cause trouble, but it was no problem for Arizona's website to be listed until very specific circumstances arose with no explanation. Fair is fair... You cant be half pregnant right?
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Re: Add new states' websites on main page under "state websites" tab

Unread post by Destry »

New York published notice long before I created the blog. I believe it is posted in the New York section on the forums.
“First, let no one rule your mind or body. Take special care that your thoughts remain unfettered... . Give men your ear, but not your heart. Show respect for those in power, but don't follow them blindly. Judge with logic and reason, but comment not. Consider none your superior whatever their rank or station in life. Treat all fairly, or they will seek revenge. Be careful with your money. Hold fast to your beliefs and others will listen.”
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Re: Add new states' websites on main page under "state websites" tab

Unread post by kr34tor »

Destry wrote: Sat May 13, 2023 4:17 am New York published notice long before I created the blog. I believe it is posted in the New York section on the forums.
Nope. Not there either. So, if this is the new rule, then it should be posted in the blog or put ours back up please.
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