Countering radicals, per Gen.Flynn,etc.

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Countering radicals, per Gen.Flynn,etc.

Unread post by sstrykert »

Excerpts from Christopher G. Adamo's "Rules for Defeating Radicals: Countering the Alinsky Strategy in Politics and Culture"

1. Never apologize unless an actual wrong has been committed. And then, if an apology is truly warranted, remain very specific as to the issue that is actually being addressed.

2. Never engage leftist leaders and activists for the purpose of persuading them with the truth.

3. Never allow leftists to move past their hypocrisy and lies.

4. Never accept baseless leftist assertions of "cause and effect," which are vehemently proclaimed as inarguable truth, but are only enabling propaganda.

5. Never reflexively accept leftist definitions of good and evil.

6. Power that is not asserted when necessary and appropriate is forfeited. Eventually, it is lost forever.

7. When leftists rally around one of their own who has been exposed for engaging in reprehensible or corrupt behavior, all who support the individual need to be identified as being equally corrupt, and thereafter diligently tagged as such.

8. Identify friend or foe. Once a determination is legitimately made that a political player is doing the bidding of the enemy, do not allow it to be altered on the basis of emotion or polished subsequent politicking and pandering.

9. Stay on target. Whenever engaged in an effort to advance the conservative agenda, or seeking to confront leftist fraud and duplicity, it is crucial to stay on point, and not allow leftists to complicate the issue or distract from it.

10.Focus on winnable regions and issues to build momentum and focus on local action that will achieve a national impact.

Source: The Citizen's Guide to Fifth Generation Warfare - Introduction to 5GW
-by Gen.Flynn,Sgt.Cutler
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Re: Countering radicals, per Gen.Flynn,etc.

Unread post by Destry »

Good info, but General Flynn is a snake in the grass. Beware of him.
“First, let no one rule your mind or body. Take special care that your thoughts remain unfettered... . Give men your ear, but not your heart. Show respect for those in power, but don't follow them blindly. Judge with logic and reason, but comment not. Consider none your superior whatever their rank or station in life. Treat all fairly, or they will seek revenge. Be careful with your money. Hold fast to your beliefs and others will listen.”
“Wise? No, I simply learned to think.”
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Re: Countering radicals, per Gen.Flynn,etc.

Unread post by sstrykert »

Copy. Book's writing cadence is not his speaking cadence, so it seems Sgt.Cutler did most of the "ghost writing". Makes you wonder.🤔
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