The American States Assembly: Organized around CoDependence. How to Let Go of a Dysfunctional Community.
I joined the American States Assembly in early May 2021, and left it about a year later in June 2022. I wanted to write about some of my experience of and observations about the American States Assembly, as a way of helping others who were thinking of joining, or who have left, or who are still active in this organization, to think about the Assembly and the claims it makes, primarily through its leader Anna von Reitz.
This is an outline of what I’d like to write about:
(1) Brief summary of why people might join the Assembly
(2) Analysis of the my observations of problems in the Assembly, which are centered on what I view as the false and/or misleading, unprovable claims of its leader, Anna von Reitz, who calls herself the “Fiduciary” for the organization and runs the “Federation of States.” As I eventually found, this Assembly involves a culture of codependence, enabling Anna and her often unprofessional behavior (angry rants and name-calling) as well as her false or unproven claims, lack of skills and/or incompetence to undertake the work she is involved in. With incompetence at the top, the result is predictably more and more incompetence and poor leadership throughout the organization.
(3) My views on how the Assembly culture is co-dependent, and involves enabling Anna’s dysfunctional, egotistical/narcissistic or incompetent behavior.
(4) Given that Anna has offered no workable route to “fixing” the problems she describes, one is led to ask…does she really want these solved? Or, is she more invested in the “Endless Loop” of receiving an audience for her “endless” angry complaints and rants.
(5) An analysis of and recommendations about letting go and leaving the Assembly, or actually, any organization or situation in one’s life. I am writing this because I’ve observed many people having concerns about the Assembly, which they were or still are actively involved in, but who are having a lot of trouble letting go and extracting themselves completely, eg drawing good, solid boundaries.
Why Do People Join the Assembly?
Like many people, I was drawn to the Assembly in part because I saw the thorough and complete corruption, fraud and crime in the world financial system, the Central Bank, as well as the “de facto” government, or existing government in our nation, which was a result of our whole government, like most all world governments, being run by the Cabal. While I was quite heartened to hear about Devolution and hear that Trump was working with the “White Hats” and a World Alliance to take down the Cabal, I was, like many, frustrated that it was not clear when our nation would be restored out of the “Matrix” situation we had been put into when the ByeDen actor was put into the role of fake President. I also had heard in Patriot communities that “we the people” are supposed to be helping restore the nation, but did not know exactly what the role of the American people was to be in restoring the nation. I found out about Anna von Reitz and her American States Assembly, and her claims that this group was working to restore legitimate government, so I joined in to find out more and see if I could help.
As I saw it, the American States Assembly has three main functions.
(1) One is to provide people information about the fraud and crime of the de facto government in the United States of America, and in governments around the world. In this regard, Anna and the Assembly function much like David Straight’s classes, and the info provided by several others in books and videos and online articles.
(2) Second, is to educate people about possible common law remedies and other remedies to lessen their likelihood of being preyed upon by the “de facto” government, including “status correction” and becoming a State National, which was supposed to exempt one from the jurisdiction of the de facto government, under the theory that the de facto or criminal government operated under Maritime or Admiralty law, and had no authority in the Land jurisdiction, that of the people on each state. In this area too, the Assembly functioned much like David Straight’s classes or those of others who teach “common law remedies.”
(3) The third function, emerging from Anna’s claim that her Federation of States is uniquely authorized, via the claim that Anna’s husband James Belcher is a “Hereditary Head of State”, was to restore legitimate governance in our nation. There was no other organization making this claim to have the authority to do this. Anna’s group was unique in this sense.
As to the first function, education about the fraud and crime of “the de facto” as it is generally called, the Assembly offered more opportunity for community, networking and interaction among those interested in this, than other teachers or organizations.
As to the second function, I realized over time that many so-called common law remedies to the crimes or unlawful “laws” of the de facto government, did not seem to be working for people. Except for the recommendation to do the Revocation of Election to pay taxes, which did work, I did not see any evidence of success in applying “common law remedies. ” Rather, I saw people get themselves into trouble, sometimes serious trouble, by trying to exempt themselves from “de facto” government laws via “common law” remedies.
As to the third, in joining the Assembly, I was a bit skeptical about Anna’s claims about having the sole authority to restore legitimate governance in our nation, but wanted to be open-minded. To find out that our entire government is basically “fake”, and has been utterly infiltrated, taken away from the Founder’s principles, the Constitution overridden, many thousands of unlawful laws passed, that the whole world’s financial system is being run by a criminal banking cartel, that our nations’ leaders have systematically stolen from the American people and then engaged in money laundering, have preyed upon us, been directly involved in stealing our children as well and in child and human trafficking, have terrorized us with unlawful, criminal “law enforcement” organizations….and have murdered thousands of Americans as well…..and are now deeply involved in a world genocide, a crime against humanity, the size and scope of which exceed anything ever before seen in history…..well, suffice it to say that discovering all this would leave one with a lot of questions about what should be done next, to restore legitimate governance, one step at a time.
So much would have to be done, the scope of it all was mind-boggling. To perceive the extent of the fraud and crime perpetrated upon the people of the entire world, was to be simultaneously overwhelmed at the magnitude of the corrective action needed, as well as baffled by how any small steps to correct all this, could have any effect in the face of such gargantuan, horrific depravity and crime the whole world over.
In fact, it was precisely because I came to see the vast scope of the Cabal crime, and the enormously powerful and wealthy elite running the Cabal, that from the start I found Anna’s manner of addressing these crimes, and her proposed solutions, to seem off the mark. Listening to Anna speak, and listening to her proposed solutions, one would not think she was addressing a horrific elite, which had engaged in some of the most depraved evil the world has ever known, and was fully capable of exterminating 95% of mankind. Rather, she came across as peeved and irate, with a tone and manner more befitting a situation where the local city council had failed to do adequate street paving, or someone in local government had been found to be engaged in embezzling funds. In other words, I felt that her peeved tone, as well as her name-calling, was inappropriate to the scale and gravity of the crimes involved.
Yet, I set aside these and a few other concerns, and chose to give Anna “the benefit of the doubt” and take an open-minded and curious approach.
I believed that the bulk of the work had to be done by the White Hats, the World Alliance, but thought perhaps Anna’s Assembly could be connected to their work in some way. While they worked from the top down on the problem, perhaps we should be working from the “bottom up”, and if becoming a State National really did remove one from the Cabal’s fake and criminal government, it would be quite valuable to do this. This theory also supported the idea that a “real” government could be then set up, by those who had gotten themselves to the Land Jurisdiction by becoming State Nationals.
I Begin to See Problems in the Assembly
It took some reading Anna’s articles and watching her talks, as well as getting directly involved in the work of the Assembly, to begin seeing the problems in the Assembly. The very first thing I noticed about Anna’s articles, was that they did not utilize a proper scholar’s method, were at times too much like rants, and all in all were very poorly organized. Actually many of them seemed to be long rants, and this was quite off-putting when I first started looking at these online, and inclined me not to want to join the Assembly. Some of the articles I came across did not contain a thoughtful, balanced approach, but instead seemed long lists of accusations, directed at the Pope or other major world figures, and I wasn’t clear how this would accomplish anything.
However, I also read articles that contained good information, and came across Anna’s books, which seemed clearer and more useful. Yet throughout my time spent in the Assembly, I wondered why Anna had been unable to organize her material, and just left her followers to founder in a large mass of articles, which yes could be searched by topic, but these searches often tended to produce impractically long lists of results.
Yet, I perceived that there was a benefit in having a community of people who were learning about these things, who could interact and have zoom calls together, and talk about common law remedies together, and more. So I joined and began to help where I could.
Soon after joining and attending meetings, I noticed some other things that concerned me. One had to do with the way the meetings were run, which was so speedy and difficult to enter into (with Robert’s Rules of Order apparently dictating the process), that I perceived it as dissuading people from participating. The other related to risks for religion and religious intolerance inappropriately intruding into community and governance. (This was in early 2021, before the “split” in the California Assembly)
A third problem that I perceived was incompetence. As I listened to people speak who were actively involved in the Assembly, I realized that some were clearly not very intelligent, and did not have the skills to be reasoning things out competently, yet they were in important decision making positions. I then heard, saw or read about various kinds of “dramas” occurring, which do not happen to intelligent people with good judgment, solid ethics, good boundaries, and the discernment to know what is not appropriate to take up public time with. There were stories of people stealing Assembly funds, of drunks having been put in high positions, and there was uncivil and rude behavior in most every meeting.
At one point, a large number of people left the Assembly, and took with them nearly every Assembly asset, stealing all these from the organization: the website, the entire bank account of funds, the Assembly zoom account, the Assembly email lists, and the Recorder’s seals. That it had been possible for them to steal ALL the Assembly assets, showed just how poorly the structure had been set up. When I discovered that people in other states had also “run off with” these same kinds of assets from their assemblies, I became concerned about why Anna was not doing more to ensure the security of her organization.
When there were finally some moves made to clean up these problems, issuing from Anna and “the Federation”, I was encouraged, and had the hope that we’d see a new era where competence was valued, where, as Anna had often said, positions are given to the best and brightest, those with the skills for the positions, not, as she implied was the pattern in corporate settings, to the nincompoop louts with no skills.
For a time, things began moving in a better direction, and I was optimistic as I saw people with appropriate skill levels being placed in office, and those lacking needed skills, being removed.
Time to finally get rid of the incompetents in office?
Yet as I worked with others to make steady progress to seek out information from Anna on how to set up our State assembly, and made progress in improving clarity and organization, and working to fill positions with competent individuals, eventually my efforts came to a halt, as I perceived there was a huge problem in the Assembly, and it was at the very top, in Anna herself.
One of the first concerning signs, was Anna’s claim, in several of her articles and talks, that she was actually a “Senior Field Commander” of the universe, as well as a “very powerful angel.” To me, this looked like evidence of delusions of grandeur, such as are at times associated with grandiose narcissism.
See these articles where Anna makes other delusional claims:
I had actually never before been directly in communication with Anna, until nearly a year into my work with the Assembly, at a point where, in order to be able to do the work I was tasked to do, I needed answers to a few questions, which I was not being given by those in the Federation who were to be providing direction. So at this point, I emailed Anna directly, and obtained 3 different answers to the same question, all of which conflicted with each other. This was not at all acceptable, and I began thinking of resigning my positions.
Around this very same time, Anna was highly touting her group of “Continental Marshals”, (“they all passed their tests with A ratings!” she said in this article https://searchannavonreitz.americanstatenationals.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/Article-3688.-So-You-Want-Enforcement-A-Message-to-All-State-Coordinators.pdf ) and one of those who lived in our state began attending our meetings regularly and also giving instructions about vetting, instructions which were completely at odds with the instructions about vetting we’d received heretofore. As well, he was not the person who had been designated to provide vetting instructions to us. Before long, it became clear that Anna was publicly praising and directing us to take guidance from, at least one individual who was clearly incompetent to be in the position he held. He was in a major position for the Assembly, but through his communications written and spoken, exhibited a striking inability to think clearly and reason logically, or even, at times, to be able to even just comprehend or take in what had been said. Why would Anna put such a person into such a high position, and more, why would she defend him, when he obviously lacked the skills or intelligence for the position?
At this point I sadly had to realize that the central, inescapable problem of the Assembly, which foreshadowed how it was ultimately doomed, was Anna’s own incompetence and blindness, and likely also, her own egotism or narcissism.
So at this point, I saw “the writing on the wall“, and immediately resigned from all my positions, and realized I would have to leave the Assembly as well.
Because if the problem in an organization is just one or two or a handful of people in office, who can be worked with, or who can be removed from office, then the problem is workable. But in Anna, she was someone who — I began to see — could never be removed from office. And when I began to realize that there was no possible way to remove Anna from her position, I realized the unworkability of the entire Federation of States and American States Assembly. Because in a legitimate government, a Constitutional Republic, whether it be one that is fully formed or in process, you can never ever have someone in a position, who cannot be removed. This is just common sense. If you have someone in a key position, who cannot ever be removed, no matter how incompetent they turn out to be, or indeed how destructive to the organization they turn out to be, for instance, engaging in direct sabotage of its stated aims, then obviously this is totally unworkable. And also, what you have with a leader who can never be removed, is not reflective in any way of a Constitutional Republic. Rather it more resembles a communist totalitarian system.
After I resigned my positions — one of which was State Co-Coordinator on my state — I received an email from Anna, in which she wrote critical statements about me, including the criticism that I “needed to study more.” This was quite ironic, given how much I was studying. I had just finished Brent Allan Winters’ 900 page book on common law, and was now reading another half dozen books on common law in the American colonies. I think the problem for Anna, was that I was studying actual scholars, rather than Anna’s articles. I sent her several questions about her statements by email, and she never responded to my questions. Instead, she sent “answers for ___” (using my name), to someone else in the Assembly whom I worked with. This made no sense. If Bob asks a question of Scott, why would Scott send “answers for Bob” to Ted or William, or anyone other than Bob? Other than, perhaps, to be intentionally disrespectful?
As well, the “answers” she gave, however, were not actually answers, and not a one of my questions to her was ever actually answered. So with this, once again I was able to have a first hand experience of Anna’s style of interaction, which was dismissive and disrespectful, towards someone who’d worked in 2 positions in her organization, for over a year. I was able to see that Anna had a pattern of either refusing to answer questions, avoiding questions, or answering questions incompetently.
Anna’s False and/or Unsupported Claims: The Assembly Further Deteriorates
After I left the Assembly, several others left, and things rapidly devolved and deteriorated. Anna began heavily pushing the idea that “common law is based upon the Ten Commandments”, an assertion which I have addressed in other articles and indicated is false and for which there is no evidence whatsoever. Not only did Anna push the idea that common law is based on the Ten Commandments, but she began insisting that everyone in the Assembly had to accept the Ten Commandments as their “moral code“, which in any “government” setting is unconstitutional (violates freedom of religion) as well as having no basis in history or common law. Predictably, those in the Assembly who were predisposed to be bullies or religious fanatics, used this ammunition provided by Anna, to attack and/or try to dismiss or marginalize others. The Assembly was on its way to becoming a fundamentalist religious sect or cult.
And Anna keeps doubling down on her ridiculous claims about the Ten Commandments being part of “The Law”, as here: http://www.paulstramer.net/2022/11/the-law.html where she conflates religious doctrines with law, eg: “The Ten Commandments is the only enumerated code of law governing standards of behavior among people that is accepted by all three major western religions — Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. So it is the only “standard of law” that we all have, generally speaking, in common.”
Apparently Anna also doesn’t realize that not everyone in America, or the world, is part of an Abrahamic faith, or that, as I’ve pointed out several times before, the Ten Commandments are actually a minor part of the Christian faith. Jesus “overrode” these with his Great Commandments, and the Apostle Paul affirmed this in Romans 13, “love is the fulfillment of the law.” The Ten Commandments should be seen by mature Christians as a “kindergarten” version of faith, whereas adults should instead be oriented to the Great Commandment of love. When you follow the Great Commandments, you don’t need to be told not to steal or lie, murder or betray your spouse, because when you love God and others as yourself, you naturally don’t do these things. In a very real sense, Love is all that is needed. Yet without Love, people can end up doing like Anna and spend a lot of time flapping their jaws lecturing others.
As the Assembly trundled along on after I left, things devolved still further. Anna made what I consider false claims, that she had received $600 million in gold bearer bonds for the American people. See my article and video on this issue. Not surprisingly, after receipt of these, she continued her weekly pleas for donations…which should be a hint to everyone that no, she did not really have $600 million in funds.
Most recently, Anna made one of the most ludicrous claims yet, namely that her Federation of States has backed the US Dollar with gold. http://www.paulstramer.net/2022/10/breaking-news-anna-von-reitz-reports.html and https://everydayconcerned.net/2022/10/19/report-298-breaking-news-anna-von-reitz-reports-the-american-government-has-backed-the-us-dollar-with-gold-global-banking-and-economic-collapse-averted-us-and-australian-debt-paid-off/
It should be obvious to any reasonable and reasonably well-informed person, that the US Dollar cannot be backed by gold, by Anna’s Federation of States or any other entity, without dismantling the entire Federal Reserve system, and thus the entire Cabal, the global crime syndicate, which is dependent upon the criminal banking system called the Central Bank, and Federal Reserve, for its very survival. The Cabal can’t profit without the Central Banking system. Which relies on fiat currency, eg currency which is “debt backed”, and as Anna has written about in her “Blood Money” series, found on this page https://states.americanstatenationals.org/educational-information-2/ or these videos: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi9t5k9q0T_dBsgo0y2GpXg/videos Fiat currency is in a sense, not real money. Fiat currency is essentially “made out of nothing”, and this allows the Cabal to engage in a rigged system of systematic theft from the American people and all those in the world, through a process of “hidden” taxation. G Edward Griffin explains that well in his book on the Federal Reserve. The existence of the criminal banking cartel using the fiat “fake money” called the Central Bank is quite central to the existence of the Cabal, and so they have worked against attempts of any nation to set up a gold-backed financial system. They may use threats, open violence, or infiltration, to achieve their aims, but they will not allow the dismantling of their Central Bank.
The book The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve by G. Edward Griffin, is a great book which explains why fiat currency isn’t really a legitimate “money”. So much does this “money” we currently use depend on debt to exist, that on pg 187 he states that “if everyone paid back all that was borrowed, there would be no money left in existence.”
So, does it seem plausible that Anna, a woman who has often said that she is merely a “Grandma in Alaska” who can’t do anything by herself, (and thus has implored, scolded and screamed at people to “get up off your couch” and join the Assembly) could singlehandedly take down the global crime syndicate? Keep in mind that the real story of the Titanic disaster, is that the Titanic was intentionally sunk by the Cabal, in order to murder the wealthy Americans (specifically, John Jacob Astor, Isidore Strauss, and Benjamin Guggenheim) and who opposed the Federal Reserve system. Keep in mind that the US military itself apparently tried to set up a gold backed financial system and NESARA in our nation 2001, and got to the point of having President Bill Clinton sign NESARA into law (at gunpoint) but had to back off, because the Cabal retaliated by murdering thousands in the 9-11 attacks, where it used bombs to destroy the NYC World Trade Centers, and then claim this was done by Islamic terrorists.
Does it seem at all conceivable that a “Grandma in Alaska” could have succeeded in taking down the entire Federal Reserve (and Central Bank system too, because apparently she also backed the currency of Australia with gold), with no power, with no military, with no allies or world alliance, without anything but a hidden-away and virtually never seen husband “Head of State”, and irate letters and repeated rants, where the whole US military had formerly failed to do the same?
Angry Grandma in Alaska
All that said, however, it is certainly the case that the White Hats and World Alliance, have been planning for at least 20 years, since they failed in 2001, to take down the Federal Reserve, as well as the whole Central Bank and whole Cabal. And they are doing this, and winning, in a massive, worldwide covert military operation, which apparently 30 nations and their military forces have joined into. Which is what it takes, when up against a very powerful foe. In one Truther’s audiocast last night, https://rumble.com/v1pw7yd-russian-tribunals-have-begun-large-scale-dumbs-are-being-destroyed-scare-ev.html he talked about how there are 37,000 miles of Cabal tunnels just under Eastern Europe alone. Imagine the amount of work and the numbers of military personnel needed to methodically clear out all the Cabal tunnels and other buildings, properties, assets in the world, if there are 37k miles of tunnels just in Eastern Europe. A clear-eyed person should understand how very massive is this undertaking, and how powerful a foe, and thus how a great military power like the US Military in league with other nation’s militaries, is needed for this work.
I have a feeling that Anna is watching the intel about what the White Hats are doing, and finds it convenient, (particularly since all that they are doing is covert and there is no actual “news” about it), to try to piggyback on what they are doing, and claim that she herself is doing what they are doing.
If Anna does have highly egotistical or narcissistic tendencies, which I certainly see signs of, then it would make sense, that she would not want anyone but herself saving the nation and the whole world. She just can’t have anyone else taking all the glory. It has to be Anna alone, the “most powerful angel“, in her own mind, who “was present at the dawn of human creation”, who accomplishes all this. And if this is indeed how she sees things, either consciously or unconsciously, it should be clear how such deeply self-centered, distorted thinking on her part, could damage the entire Assembly.
What if a Vetting Committee Arose in the Assembly, Which Had the Skill to Actually Screen Out Incompetent People Like Anna from Office?
Finally, recently Anna apparently dismantled and harshly criticized the vetting committee in one state, and reversed one of their decisions to not pass one candidate. Seeing the personality shortcomings in Anna, angry rants and name-calling, the evidence of egotism and/or narcissism and incompetence, refusal to answer questions, avoidance of accountability or responsibility for her behavior, perhaps even delusions of grandeur, one would do well to ask: what would happen if a skilled vetting committee, consisting of people who actually had a background in psychology or previous experience (such as in a hiring department) assessing personality characteristics that could impact one’s ability to see and think clearly, and behave responsibly in office, were vetting Anna for a position?
Such a vetting committee, I’d venture to guess, would not view Anna as qualified for many positions at all, and certainly not for the “Fiduciary” or lead position she occupies.
One could next ask, how would Anna respond to the existence of a vetting committee in her Assembly, which (if it was ever so tasked) was sufficiently skilled to be able to screen her out and deny her a position, based on her significant shortcomings and lack of skill?
I think that the way people have recently seen Anna respond to a skilled vetting committee which would theoretically be capable of just that, provides an answer.
Simply put, Anna has to ensure that she does not have competent people staffing her Assembly positions, because competent people would think, they would be able to intelligently assess, and they would see clearly that the problems in the Assembly, all trace back to Anna herself. So, in spite of the fact that she often moans and complains about “stupid” people, in fact I sense that Anna actually needs or wants “stupid” people in the Assembly, because those are the ones who will fail to see how her significant shortcomings and flaws, cause her to undermine her whole Assembly. Smart people will see the truth about Anna, and Anna would not like that. So, for things to work for Anna, the stupid and incompetent people need to stay, and the best and brightest need to leave.
The Formation of a Rather CoDependent Assembly
What I see having formed, is a rather co-dependent organization, co-dependently oriented around Anna von Reitz, and enabling of her ongoing dysfunctional behavior, her angry rants, and her increasingly misleading, delusional or outlandish claims. People who have been astute enough to realize that our whole government is fraudulent and criminal, and who have recognized the lies and false claims of the “fake” government, appear to be falling for yet a whole other type of false claims and misrepresentations, in the Assembly. It’s a tragic irony with replacing their adherence to one false authority, with yet a new adherence to or obedience to a new false authority.
And so we see…in order for our world to be transformed, there’s that hard task in front of all of us, which some people are so eager to avoid…doing your actual work in life, your personal growth work. If you don’t do your own growth work, you just make the same mistakes over and over again, engage in the same psychological projections, the same dysfunctional behavior, the same enabling, and are susceptible to the same indoctrination and brainwashing, the same pull to ignore your own inner guidance and just do what someone else tells you to do. And so then the world just goes around in circles instead of evolving. In order for us all to evolve we need to grow. Which means recognizing our shortcomings, owning “our own stuff”.
The basic dynamic of a codependent system, such as a family that forms around an addict, is that nearly everyone sees and recognizes the problem, but no one is willing to openly talk about it. So the dysfunction continues to exist and be prominently visible, and may worsen, but there is a systemic denial about it, such that the unwritten “rule” of the family system becomes, that you do not talk about what is really going on, you pretend not to see what you see every day.
And so in the Assembly, a culture has formed, where the “unwritten rule” is that you don’t criticize Anna. You don’t point out that: (1) Anna has put herself in a position from which, to all appearances, it is impossible to remove her, regardless how incompetent and/or destructive she may end up being in that position, that (2) she engages in many angry rants and name-calling that are toxic and off-putting, that (3) she refuses to answer many questions, that (4) she avoids accountability or answering criticisms, that (5) she fails to demonstrate the transparency of government she claims her Assembly has, that (6) she has put forward no evidence at all for many of her claims which I mentioned above, that (7) her attempt to require “the Ten Commandments” as a moral code would be a violation of the Constitution if the Assembly actually were a government organization, that (8) religious doctrines cannot be “part of the public law” in a Constitutional Republic such as ours, that (9) she supports putting unskilled incompetent people into positions they are not qualified for, that (10) she inappropriately overrules the vote of the people in matters where her own Assembly instructions do not allow this, that (11) Anna insists everyone read her articles and books, which lack proper scholarship, completely lacking source citations or footnotes, but (12) Anna seems unwilling to even consider information and claims from those who have done proper scholarship, such as Brett Allan Winters, who told me in a phone call, that common law is definitely not based on the Ten Commandments, (13) Anna seems unable to tolerate criticism and through a tendency to “call all the shots” in every situation, behaves in a way that suggests someone with an oversized sense of self-importance, egotism or narcissism.
In short, that Anna does many things which undermine the Assembly she claims to want to build.
Clear thinking people in the Assembly, should be recognizing these problems, articulating them, and demanding a response to their concerns. If they do not receive a reasonable response and find (as I did) that they have no avenues by which to correct the problems they perceive, they should realize (as I did) that continued participation in the organization is pointless, and they should leave.
Does Anna Want to Restore the Nation, or Just Endlessly Rant? Seeking Context
Sometimes when problems are perceived within an organization, people have a hard time believing what they are seeing because they don’t understand why these things are happening. Their orientation seems to be, that they refuse to acknowledge what they see occurring right in front of their faces, unless they are given or can come up with some explanation for it. To view things this way is really to put the cart before the horse, and it’s a way of undermining one’s own observations.
For instance, if someone has a hard time believing that Anna would do anything that undermines the Assembly she has said she is trying to build, they may dismiss their own observations of her undermining behavior, because they can’t understand why Anna would do this.
My advice on this, is that people should never doubt their own observations, just based on the fact that they don’t (yet) have an explanation for what they are seeing. The first thing, is to have respect and honor for your own ability to observe. Explanation and understanding may come later.
A Plausible Scenario: An Endless Loop of Being the Center of Attention While Complaining
By way of offering a plausible explanation (but keep in mind this is just a hypothesis, I have no way of being able to “prove” this is true, it’s one possible explanation among other possible hypotheses) I wanted to share one possible, plausible scenario for the underlying “why” of what people see in the Assembly.
Before sharing this, I want to highlight something that many people have trouble fully grokking: which is, that you often cannot take what people say at face value. You need to explore the context, try to understand what their motivations are, what they are invested in, what their background is, and putting all this together can help you assess the “why” of what they are doing.
So for instance, as an example, suppose someone is running for political office, whose primary interest and goal is in enriching himself. If you have facts and evidence that help point to his interest in making himself ever more wealthy, you will be able to have a different orientation and insights on why he says and does the things he says and does, compared to someone who had no idea that this was important to him. Similarly, if you knew or suspected that someone’s primary interest were in supporting the criminal banking cartel we know as the Central Bank and Federal Reserve, this would give you insights into their statements and actions, that someone who didn’t see this, would have trouble gaining insight into.
When it comes to trying to assess people’s motivations and what they are invested in, we can observe how their statements and actions may suggest certain values. We can also observe personality characteristics that could point to significant obstacles or “blind spots”, which could explain their behavior.
With Anna, I’ve seen a few characteristics that suggest an overly self-important, egotistical and/or narcissistic personality. For instance, the fact that Anna hasn’t done proper scholarship and put footnotes and sources into her articles and books, could indicate that she feels she is so right and correct, that she doesn’t need to bother with what any ordinary scholar whose outlook is not distorted by a giant ego, would feel is imperative. The fact that when we join the Assembly, we only hear Anna telling us to read her articles and books, and that she doesn’t defer to the expertise of others, reflects an outsized sense of her own importance, or a narcissistic orientation. The fact that she could be completely dismissive of what we find (as she was towards me, when I found things contradicting her claims) when we do our own research on the origins of common law, in works by the experts in that field, again points to a grandiose sense of self: that she can’t recognize that anyone but herself has expertise in this area. Whereas the facts do not demonstrate that she is even marginally competent as a scholar in this field.
Highly egotistical people are not suited for public office
As well, Anna doesn’t seem able to delegate powers to anyone else in her Federation of States. She consistently emerges as the one calling all the shots, even when she is calling the shots in areas where what she states makes it clear that she is not as competent as others, for instance in the matter of vetting for competence and to assess skills for any given position.
People have frequently claimed that “Anna is getting the wrong information”, and claimed the problem is with those giving her incorrect info. But what they fail to see, is that the bigger problem is with Anna’s inability to discern, or to have a means of ensuring she obtains correct information, such as by seeking information from more than one person, weighing what one says against what someone else says, asking the appropriate questions to obtain the info needed to discern what is really going on, etc. I’ve several times seen Anna lash out with angry articles on the basis of partial information, sometimes even incorrect information. I was once an embarrassed recipient of an angry dismissive email from Anna, because she didn’t even understand who it was who was writing to her, and lashed out before bothering to find out more. She thought I was someone else. When she was corrected, she made no response, and didn’t apologize.
Finally, Anna seems incapable of handling criticism, and seems unable to admit that she could be wrong, which are characteristics of overly egotistical or narcissistic people. Can anyone recall a situation where Anna admitted she was wrong, about something significant? Admitting one was wrong about something very trivial or which happened 40 years ago doesn’t count, as there is very little ego investment in things very small or so distant. It would need to be relevant to the current time, such as being able to admit wrong or apologize for one’s behavior or statements, in the present moment, in an article, a talk, a meeting.
Rather, the impression we get from Anna, if we listen to her enough, is that she believes she is the only one who adequately knows the things she does, and she expresses contempt for all the “stupid” dimwits, morons, who don’t read her articles. Moreover, another considerable problem for the Assembly, is that Anna often suggests various “common law remedies” to the fraud and crime of the defacto government, that just don’t work. It’s not clear to me that any of her suggested remedies work, except for the Revocation of Election to Pay Taxes, which has seemed to work for all who’ve used this method. Other than this, she doesn’t really seem to have any useful advice to people as to how to extract themselves from the criminality that she constantly inveighs against.
Sometimes people write to her and express that they don’t believe what she says about the fraud and crime of the de facto government, or her recommendations on how to get out of the de facto system. Someone in Anna’s position ought to expect this would be a nearly daily occurrence, given the large number of asleep “normies” out there, and so should be able to take this in stride and mostly ignore such communications. Yet, in this article, she refers to some random “normie” person who wrote to her as: a sheeple, buzzwit, dipwad, idiot-script, ewe-uker, numbnutz, clueless goober, and true moron with a shit-for-brains mouth. This gives an example both of her poor judgment (spending so much time excoriating some random normie person, who represents many millions of like souls) and her level of rage, as well as contempt.
This article is entitled “Idiots Abound” and again expresses contempt for those who don’t know what she teaches: https://searchannavonreitz.americanstatenationals.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Article-1587-Idiots-Abound-Basic-Facts-About-Citizenship.pdf
One can find a great many articles by Anna in which she uses name-calling, and this comes across as unprofessional and pointless. Even when directed at the Cabal criminals it seems pointless, but more than pointless, as such appellations in that case are way off the mark. Because it should be clear to those who’ve researched about the Cabal, that it is not appropriate to use terms like “moron” or “rats” or “idiots” to refer to people who are part of a group that has systematically worked to take over the world, for hundreds if not thousands of years, through very cleverly worked fraud and crime, and who are deeply involved in horrifically depraved evil, as well as genocide.
To use terms like “morons” and “idiots” to refer to people engaged in such demented crimes as massive sex child trafficking and methodical genocide, actually reveals something disturbing about Anna’s mindset. It suggests that as regards the Cabal and their crimes, Anna is inappropriately acting out of a personal sense of offense. Eg that she seems more upset that all these criminals aren’t getting what she has been saying, and continue to ignore her, rather than that she perceives with clear eyes the horrific evil they’ve been part of, which would be sobering and very disturbing to a reasonable ordinary person. “Moron” or “idiot” is a completely wrong term for these evil people.
And so this distorted view that these words suggest, point to the possibility that Anna is overly narcissistic and/or egotistical, in a way that is damaging not only to her message, but to her whole organization.
The Endless Loop?
Given what I’ve just explained about how I see Anna as more invested in her own self-importance and ego gratification rather than caring for the American people, I offer the following as one possible hypothetical “explanation” for what I’ve seen in the Assembly.
Which is that Anna has set up an essentially “endless loop” of insisting that
(1) The only organization or entity capable of restoring our nation (and by extension, the world) is hers, and that
(2) She can’t do this alone because “I’m just a Grandma in Alaska” (in spite of the fact that she claims she/The Federation of States have won important court cases), and that
(3) People have to “get up off your couch” and join the Assembly and start standing up for their rights, but
(4) She engages in behavior that discourages people from joining the assembly, or sabotages efforts of state assemblies to actually assemble,
(5) People have no hope of winning individually in single battles against a mighty cabal, and
(6) People have no hope of being able to fully assemble in their states, due to the way Anna damages assemblies by failing to provide adequate leadership and guidance, providing them ammunition to destroy each other (eg imposing Ten Commandments), by imposing Continental Marshals on state assemblies, dismantling their vetting committees, overriding their votes, not answering questions they need answered in order to assemble in line with her outline, and more.
So the result is that
(1) Anna cannot “solve this” on her own,
(2) Individual Assembly members can’t get resolution on their own,
(3) State Assemblies are unable to assemble to ever get power to obtain resolution
Eg — bottom line, there is a tremendous amount of (figurative or literal) yelling and screaming about the fake government of the “rats” , but in the end, nothing can ever really get done about it. Anna has no workable solution.
And thus there is an endless loop created, of Anna complaining about many many facets of the crimes and fraud of the Government of the Rats, but never establishing a workable pathway to do a darn thing about this and actually work towards resolving it.
Which all allows Anna to endlessly complain, and endlessly chastise others for not studying, not getting off their couches, and on and on endlessly.
Which may seem pointless, but if her primary goal is to have an audience of people watching her week after week, reading article after article, and admiring her while she continues to pointlessly complain, ad nauseum, then this is a perfect setup for someone who is invested in this.
The Endless Loop: on and on, always talking, acting but never getting anywhere
Suggestions/Tips on Whether to Leave, or How To Leave the Assembly and Fully Let Go
The last part of this article will explore leaving and letting go. Of course this advice applies not to just this one organization, the American States Assembly, but really any dysfunctional organization, community or relationship, or possibly other people/situations you want to let go of, but find you’re having difficulty doing so. There are many reasons why it’s difficult to leave, and the better people understand these, the more they can consciously work with these things and build the awareness and skills which can empower them to leave.
Leaving a community, relationship or organization that is dysfunctional or just not working for us for some reason, involves many levels and types of letting go. If you don’t understand all these types of letting go, the result can be that unconscious dynamics you are involved in, can cause you to stay, when consciously, you would rather go. The following are some of the things we have to let go of, in order to completely let go.
As a preface to all this, let me point out that it may not be necessary for some people to completely leave the Assembly, as they may find that there is something that they can still do or be involved in there, which is of value. Such as doing research on the fraud and crime of the de facto government, common law or common law remedies, or participating with an education committee about any of these. Whether it makes sense to stay and continue with projects that are meaningful to you, or whether you feel called to leave completely, is a decsion each person needs to make, and ideally, make with boundaries that are clear, comfortable, and can be held firmly. Eg, don’t stay in the Assembly if you find you keep getting “pulled into” conflict and drama that you want no part of. My main suggestion is that as I don’t believe there is any legitimacy to the claim that the American States Assembly has unique authority to restore our nation or set up a “de jure” government, I do not advise anyone to stay in the Assembly with an eye toward working towards such goals.
If you do feel an inclination to leave the Assembly, let me also point out that it’s better if you can do this early, rather than late. The more involved you get in conflicts, turmoil, disagreements, the harder it will be to leave and let go, because there will be more “goo” sticking to you, and the goo will make it “stickier” to leave. For instance: I left this organization early (compared to many others I was working with) and really as soon as I saw that my efforts would end up being pointless. I was the first one to leave. I intentionally left early, before the Assembly completely devolved into the big mess I could sense was coming (and which did come), because I would find all of that ugly and stressful, and my boundaries are such that I was very clear I wanted nothing to do with any of that.
Sticky goo all over everything makes it harder to leave!
Where the Assembly May Go…Big Picture Views Assist…
I believe that those who are still involved in the American States Assembly in hopes that it will somehow restore the legitimate government in our nation, bringing about the restored Republic, are not only failing to see the things I mentioned in this article, but also may be missing the “big picture view” which I addressed in another article. https://commonlawamerica.wordpress.com/2022/08/31/the-tiny-picture-and-the-big-picture-grasp-the-magnitude-of-this-time-in-history/
To fail to grasp that the taking down of the global Cabal is not a project that could ever have been accomplished by a grassroots organization, is to greatly underestimate the evil of the Cabal, and its thirst for total world domination. I always believed that the “heavy lifting” involved had to be done by the White Hats and allied military forces, but for a while, I thought that Anna’s group might be able to help organize people for the new government to come. I no longer believe this is the case.
And thus, my prediction for the future of Anna’s American States Assembly, has these elements:
(1) That it might continue to have a role to play in educating people about the Cabal’s fraud and crime that were perpetrated upon us essentially since the founding of our nation, here in our country, and for centuries before that, elsewhere. As the truth comes out, more people are going to need to find resources to get up to speed on our “real history.” The Assembly could help with this. It may be that the best mission of the Assembly, to the extent it continues to exist and function, is to both provide education, and communal support around that education. However, given all that I have described about Anna’s shortcomings, and the domino effects of those, including pervasive incompetence throughout the Assembly, it is not clear to me that the Assembly is likely to be very successful even in a mere endeavor to educate. Particularly in a context where many other organizations and teachers begin to arise, in response to the massive educational undertaking that the nation will need, once the truth begins coming out. Organizations led by people who are more competent, and less dysfunctional and egotistical, will have a greater likelihood of attracting people who seek to find out the truth about our history.
(2) That as far as the Assembly’s claims that the people can assemble and set up the de jure government, and as regards Anna’s claims about work she has done via court cases, communications with the Vatican, major heads of state, claims that the Federation of States obtained Americans’ gold, backing the US Dollar with gold — I believe that within a few weeks or months, these claims will be shown to be demonstrably false. It will become clear that it was the White Hats who accomplished or are accomplishing these things, not Anna and the Federation and Assembly. It will become clear that our government, at national, state and local levels, is being restored by processes begun by the White Hats, not by Anna. And so, all these claims about Anna and the Federation’s unique authority to do this, will become pointless. In this regard, Anna, the Federation and the Assembly, will become irrelevant.
(3) When it becomes clear who is really restoring our nation, and that it’s not Anna and the Federation and Assembly, this may lead many who were in the Assembly, to either realize they were misled, or perhaps, for the more foolish among them, to join with Anna in pointless complaints that the White Hats had no authority to do what they did, and demands that they had over the whole nation to Anna and the Federation of States. And by that point, it should be obvious to any sane person, that that is never going to happen, and that those calling for this, are seriously deluded nutcases.
Our Spiritual and Psychological Growth Requires Contending with Problems
Often people struggle with existential questions about why it seems that the “wrong” people are succeeding here in the human community, on earth — either the evil ones (as with the Global Cabal, which has over centuries sadly succeeded in preying upon humanity) or the blind or dysfunctional ones, the bullies or wrongheaded people. One could ask this about the Assembly or many other organizations or human endeavors.
My hope and optimism is that I do believe God is fully aware of all of our shortcomings. He did not make a mistake in creating us as we are. Somehow, our human experience is meant to be a growth experience involving contending with these kinds of things. Among other positive results from all this human mess, is that, as I’ve found in my life, one develops strong communication skills, analytical skills, discernment and intuitive skills, not by having everything flow perfectly in life, but actually more through encountering one problem after another, resulting from human weakness, shortsightedness, blindness or other significant dysfunction.
Actually if people did NOT have these significant shortcomings, we wouldn’t be able to learn all that we do in life, because we learn through having to navigate through these kinds of problems and more. There is a lot that we would have no opportunity to learn, if everyone was saintly and wise, and all was perfect on earth. This then brings us into that difficult concept, which many philosophers and theologians, and good people everywhere, have struggled with since time immemorial, which is why there is evil in the world. Why does God allow this. But when we realize, even in small ways, struggling with small problems, that we can’t really learn without challenges and problems, that we wouldn’t be able to learn and grow if every human being was perfect and no one was blind or made poor decisions, then we can begin to gain insight into the possible reason for things being “imperfect” here below, in the diverse ways that they are. And then we fall back into the fathomless but awe-filled awareness of the vast mystery of God.
The Kingdom of This World and the Kingdom of God
In his book, The Myth of a Christian Nation, Gregory Boyd, Senior Pastor at Woodland Hills Church in Minnesota, explains some things that could be useful for those who feel dejected or frustrated if it often seems that we end up with conflict and tension in communities working on social or political change. He points out (pg 59) that Jesus avoids addressing the worldly problems his disciples brought to him, asking him questions about these. He avoids getting pulled into politics and the nitty-gritty of human interactions with worldly authorities. Rather, Jesus’ orientation, and his teachings, consistently are focused on “transforming lives from the inside out”. This transformation involves living in a way that is centered on God, the God within. And this is always and necessarily a personal matter, an intimate matter, between ourselves and our God. The One God.
As an example Gregory explains that one of the most contentious issues of Jesus’ time, was the paying of taxes. But when people pressed Jesus on whether or not they should pay taxes, his answer suggested that they were not asking the right question. Instead of asking about to whom they should give money, their question should be, to whom are they giving their very lives. “Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and unto God the things that are God’s” (Matthew 22: 21) In this and many other ways, Jesus kept directing his followers’ attention, to a larger and deeper viewpoint than he perceived many were holding.
This saying from Jesus, is a useful guideline for the next part of my article, which has to do with letting go. Just as Jesus sought to turn people away from expending energy on prolonged worldly conflicts, and directed them instead toward their relationship to God, so also, particularly when we face situations in life which seem highly conflictual or intractable, it may be good to think back upon Jesus’ words, and avoid obsessing about “Caesar’s things.” Of course, sometimes we are actually called to engage with the world and involve ourselves in change. Yet if that is the case, I believe we will sense this, as well as find that God is “opening” the way for us to be so involved. But particularly when we see our pathways to such involvement being blocked and obstructed, this is a good time to leave to Caesar, the things that are Caesar’s, and turn ourselves back towards God and our true home.
Now, let’s take a look at some “learning lessons” that may be involved for us, in learning to let go of a relationship, job, career, community or organization. These may apply to people’s experience in the Assembly, but also to many other situations in life.
Many Things to Let Go Of
(1) Letting go of the outcome — eg of the direction a community or organization goes.
Can you leave, knowing that this means you will have no control, but also no influence or input into the outcome — eg the direction the group goes from here? Think about: what would it mean for you to stay and fight for control of the outcome, in a setting where you are not likely to obtain help with this or obtain this outcome? One example of what you may be worried about in terms of outcome: Letting go of the possibility that if I leave, if others leave, less qualified or competent people will be put in office, and this will cause things to deteriorate. In other words, can I let go of the sense that I’m responsible for “keeping the ship afloat” or keeping the system functional, or any number of other desired ends or aims?
(2) Letting go of being right. Or of “having the last word.” This is a very hard one for a number of people. Many people will persist in an argument, a fight, a group issue or project, for far longer than is healthy, because they are overly attached to being seen as right. They may want “the truth to come out”, but fail to see that the circumstances of the group setting, do not allow for the truth to be believed or valued. Think about: how will it feel for you to leave, at a time when you may not be likely to be seen as “right”? What does it mean to let go when you have not had the “last word”, and the “last word” was something that was said that may have involved unfair, inaccurate or biased criticisms of you or your cohort or your project?
(3) Letting go of being heard, understood. Be able to assess what the other person/persons are capable of hearing, and what they won’t be able to hear, and do not struggle to “force” people to hear what they aren’t currently capable of hearing. Think about how all of us are on our own unique journey in life, and our journey is not the same as someone else’s. What we are here to learn, or learn next, is not what someone else may be here to learn, or realize next. None of us get to dictate to someone else what they “should” be learning now, or at any point in life. We can tell them what we think they are not seeing, we can speak the truth as we know it, but beyond that we have to let go and realize their “growth project” in life is not our business, it’s between them and God.
(4) Letting go of hoping that things will get better. Deep down, each of us has a way of sensing or feeling whether a situation has the potential to improve or resolve for the better, or not. We can think about this analytically at one level, but we can also “feel” it or sense it, intuitively or with our “gut sense”, at another level. So when for instance someone is in a relationship with an alcoholic or abusive partner, they should really know that an abusive person’s 100th apology for the same abusive behavior, isn’t any different from the last 99 meaningless apologies. When people really take in the kinds of things I’ve pointed out about the dysfunctional aspects of the Assembly, they should be realizing there is no point in staying. Once the reality of the situation is realized, it’s time to leave.
(5) Letting go of the bad idea that those who leave are “quitters”. One Assembly member pointed out to me how someone who’s been doing a lot of work helping with mediation for the Assembly, has consistently encouraged people not to leave, suggesting that those who leave are quitters and are basically allowing things in the Assembly to disintegrate, because they don’t stay and fight for what they believe in.
The main problem with this in relation to the Assembly, is the failure to see that there is no way to fix the Assembly when Anna is the central problem of the whole Assembly, and many other problems can be seen as emanating from Anna: her angry rants, name calling and contempt, her lack of organizational skills, her poor judgment, her lack of discernment, her support of incompetent people in office, her lack of ability to delegate work to others, her highly egotistical nature, her refusal to answer questions or be accountable in any real way, her inappropriate pushing of religion in a nondenominational group, and more.
So, while staying in to fight for what is right would make sense in an organization where there is a possibility of eventually obtaining what one seeks, it should not be difficult to see that that is not possible for the American States Assembly. Anna’s centrality to everything, together with the impossibility of removing her from her self-appointed position, spells doom for the whole organization.
(6) Letting go of my “tribe”. Some people have a hard time letting go because perhaps for one of the few times in their lives, they found a group of people that feel like “my tribe.” But this thought involves an assumption that isn’t quite true: the assumption being that there isn’t any way for you to have community with some or all of the people you knew in this group, in some other form. Think about: what other ways could you form a community with those you value? For instance, consider forming a “discussion group” for those who are interested in keeping community with regard to certain topics/common aims, but find the Assembly meetings dysfunctional and upsetting.
Another thing to think about: are people part of “your tribe” if they are attached to something that is unhealthy and not working?
(7) Letting go of a position where I felt valued and honored. For many of us, there haven’t been many times in life where we took a role in a group where we were valued, honored or admired. Things to think about: at what expense or cost, am I clinging to wanting to continue to be valued? What does it mean to be valued or honored for being in a position, versus being valued or honored by God/Spirit, for undertaking a courageous act, acting in consonance with my own inner knowing, being willing to do the right thing, in spite of its cost?
(8) Letting go of being attached to fighting. Some people end up staying too long in an unhealthy situation, because, unknown to themselves, they are overly drawn to what could be called “negative attachments“. Which is to say, that they unfortunately may find it more “interesting” to be in conflictual situations and fighting, than to be out of those and just experiencing what to them could seem a more “boring” existence, as it doesn’t involve that intensity of energy. This is similar to being an “adrenalin junkie”. This is an issue in letting go but also is an existential or psychological issue that will have impact on many aspects of life. Consider: what benefit does it bring to your life to be attracted or drawn to conflictual situations? What benefit does your attraction to these bring to community or the world at large? Is there any benefit at all, or could this be seen more as an addiction on your part?
(9) Letting go of getting your question/s answered. This is similar to #3 above, in that when we ask a question, we expect to be heard, and expect that a decent person would make an effort to respond. However, particularly when dealing with highly egotistical or narcissistic people, or people who are very self-righteous or self-important, expecting an answer to our questions, is not very reasonable, given the likelihood of such a person’s quite serious limitations.
(10) Letting go of the idea that there is nothing else for me to do, nowhere else for me to go, I don’t know what comes next. Some are afraid to leave one group or situation or activity or relationship, because they don’t have enough faith that there is a “next” relationship, situation or step in life. This stance represents a fear of the unknown and lack of faith in God’s guidance of us, or our own inner guidance. And ironically, the reality is sometimes quite opposite what people are imagining. Whereas people may fear that “I can’t leave this because I don’t know what is next”, there’s a very real way that we can prevent ourselves from getting to the “next” step that God intends for us, because we are clinging too much to a situation that we have outgrown and need to leave. One of the great realities of the spiritual life, is that it requires acting in faith, and having trust in God to provide for us. If we lack this faith and trust, we can live lives much smaller than what was intended for us, and never leave behind things that are limiting us and our growth.
Another aspect to this to consider, is what I’ve written about in other recent articles, regarding how our world is in the midst of massive transformation. I don’t believe it will be that long until many new opportunities arise, opportunities we might never have imagined, because the world as we know it, and the Cabal, are gone, and a wonderful new world awaits, and asks us to participate in it. How will we do that if we are bogged down and devoting our time to a dysfunctional organization, rather than looking around to see how the world is on the verge of great change?
(11) Letting go of what happens to the work I already did. Sometimes, in leaving a relationship or group or organization, you may feel like leaving means, all the work you did thus far will be for naught. The amount of work you have done, may be small, or it may be considerable. It may be hard to think that if you leave, this work may not come to fruition, in fact, it may be thrown into the trash can, but that is the way it is with leaving and fully letting go. We circle back to #1 with this, letting go of the outcome.
It helps a great deal, if with everything you do in life, you have the spiritual wisdom to understand that the point of our lives is the journey, not the destination. For most of us, the point of our lives is the growth work we do here, and the interior work we do in our souls, not so much our outer accomplishments. There are a few souls who are given important “outer” works to do in life, but more often we have more inner than outer works to do.
(12) Letting go of one’s hopes and dreams for what could be. This is a really hard one…we might come to the Assembly with many hopes of having finally found the place where we could do something of great value…to find ways to justice in this horribly unjust criminal world and nation….to begin building something legitimate and real…to attract others to contribute positively to this very important task. The fewer places we find in the rest of the world where there seem any opportunities at all to do this, the more we may need the Assembly to be the place where these dreams can be realized.
Then, how very painful it would be to discover, after putting in much time and effort, that this is not, after all, the place where these dreams can be realized. How painful to discover, after admiring Anna and the great amount of research and work she has done, that she has some quite significant shortcomings, where she is doing things at crosspurposes to what is needed for success, and even to the point where she is unwittingly destroying her own organization. This could be very painful to have to face. There may be steps of denial and bargaining that people have to go through to allow themselves to see the truth. Ask yourself: are you able to let yourself see when a dream dies, and allow yourself to move on, to find a place where the dream may be born anew?
Realize that nothing of spiritual significance is ever really lost in our lives, nothing that is of ultimate importance ever dies. The most important dreams do not really die. All that dies is our illusions about where this dream was to flourish, or how. Once we can re-orient ourselves to a wider or fresh view, this may help us move on from what no longer serves us.
(13) Letting go and leaving is a Death and Rebirth experience. Are we familiar with this metaphor and can other experiences of this help us now?
The reality is that we “die” many times in life, in a symbolic way, and experience symbolic “rebirths” thereafter, before we actually die physically, and then experience the resurrection or rebirth into our real home beyond this earth. The more familiar we are with these various endings and new beginnings, the less difficult yet another one will be for us. It’s sad to see someone arrive, often late in life, at the doorstep of death, and not know how to let go. Some people cling to life too long, staying in withering bodies wracked with pain, because they are afraid to let go, afraid that “there’s nothing” beyond this life. Think of this: we are offered many opportunities in life, to learn about letting go, so that when the time comes to let go of our physical bodies and pass into the mystery of the realms beyond, we will already have had some experience in letting go. These are lessons we should be learning all along, so that we don’t come to that final hour of awe, grasping desperately to stay, because we have missed all the opportunities that came before, to learn to let go.
Source: https://commonlawamerica.wordpress.com/2022/10/23/the-american-states-assembly-organized-around-codependence-how-to-let-go-of-a-dysfunctional-community/