A good explanation of our Legal System today

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A good explanation of our Legal System today

Unread post by theeyeinthenorth »

For those interested in Law, I recommend you read this document. It explains how and what the courts are all about. Then you will realize that its Martial/Admiralty courts and not a LAWFUL court all along. As a "Ward/Vassel" of the "State/Guardian" this is why they require your Signature on everything. This has been implemented on every U.S. "Person/Vessel" in commerce or your "E-state" under martial law and unconstitutional acts of Roosevelt during the 1933 Emergency Banking Act, Trading w/ the Enemy of 1917 amended, Social Security Act and many others. So if your "Person/NAME" has been captured and is facing ransom(bond) and you pay the fine/do the time and your good to go. Then you can continue to do commerce until captured and ransomed again. Hope that makes sense to you all. Thus why you want to own nothing but control it via TRUST. Remember the Constitution is a also a TRUST. A Trust is another form of Corporation or Business. You have to be licensed to do business in most States if I am correct. A Dead "Corporate" entity/organization cannot do business with a living wo/man. So they created the "Person" All caps account NAME to do business with. Look at your License and Social, Credit Cards, and notice the ALL CAPS SPELLING of your NAME. Only Business/Corporate/Dead have all CAPITAL NAMES under Chicago Styles manual. Hope this makes sense read the 33' Emergency Banking Acts and its records its all in their. The Fraud that has been committed is way deep, on many levels, and much worse then we can imagine.

be in peace, God speed,
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Last edited by theeyeinthenorth on Fri Nov 22, 2024 3:24 am, edited 3 times in total.
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