Oregon Eligibility in Assembly

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Oregon Eligibility in Assembly

Unread post by GStrawn »

FYI: 1 -13 -2025   Oregon Eligibility in Assembly
Having been a part of OGJA ( Oregon General Jural Assembly ) assembled under leadership of Mr. Dan ( R.D. ) Mitchell with the blessings of Michigan on Nov. 12, 2022, I make the following statement. Under Mr. Mithcell's leadership, OJGA has gone rogue ("to begin to behave in an independent or uncontrolled way that is not authorized, normal, or expected. ")
In January - 2024 on the Oregon GJA statewide zoom call; a vote was taken to oust 6 members dissenting, without defense. I could not vote in agreement to that tyrannical action and have disavowed my allegiance/membership to OGJA.
It is my understanding that: Michigan GJA and Alaska GJA will not accept OGJA ( assembled 11-12-2022 ) as one the 38 states needed with their Grand Juries to fill the seats left vacant in 1861. 
Thank you, Gayle Strawn
New Oregon contact - contact@oregondejure.org  / or Restore-America.org
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