Election of National Assembly Officers

This is a list of the National Assembly seats and who occupies them for the current election or appointment term.
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Joined: Sat Mar 31, 2018 11:52 pm
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Election of National Assembly Officers

Unread post by Destry1 »

Elect at least six (6) Assembly Officers:

1. Moderator and a Moderator pro tem
2. Treasurer
3. Assembly Scribe and Assembly Scribe pro tem
4. Chief Bailiff- could be appointed by the Assembly Moderator

Optional Assembly officers include a Historian-keeper of all Assembly official documents and a Chaplain. Optional position is a Photographer who takes pictures of all important events and works closely with the IT officer and Historian.

National Assembly Moderator: Robert Gilman Michigan Elected on March 29th 2018 for 2 years by a majority state roll call vote.

National Assembly Scribe: Destry Payne Michigan Elected on March 29th 2018 for 2 years by a majority state roll call vote.

National Assembly Communications Secretary: Destry Payne Elected April 5th 2018 for 2 years by a majority state roll call vote.

National Assembly IT Tech: Destry Payne Elected April 5th 2018 for 2 years by a majority state roll call vote.

National Assembly Moderator Pro Tem: Roger Dowdell from Florida elected April 19th 2018 effective immediately until July 3rd 2020 at midnight.
Assemble Assemble Assemble :D

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