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Remedies against corrupt governments

Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2019 1:14 pm
by Ann
See: DOJ. CRM 664



On Wed, Aug 21, 2019, 10:04 AM Ann Galloway <> wrote:

The network sent the following link re Blackstone. It may be a link that others would want for their library.

On Wednesday 9:00 PM ET August 21, 2019 Dial-in Number:(605) 313-5140

● Participant Code: 953205

● Playback Number: (605) 313-5153

You are invited to participate

On Wednesday 9:00 PM ET August 21, 2019 Dial-in Number: (605) 313 5140

● Participant Code: 953205

● Playback Number: (605) 313-5153


A dynamic dialogue about giving voice to 'We The People' evolved between four women last Sunday evening.

Each woman has experienced the humble challenges of gathering a group of people together, to create a symphonic network that echoes the chorus of our voices. Voices calling out for the unalienable rights of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. The time has come for the promise of the Declaration of Independence to be fully realized and implemented in The United States of America.

We are gathering to explore growing the common voice of ‘We the People’... how we can work effectively together with different modalities and not lose autonomy. The point of our discussion, will focus on how we can move forward in unity.

Your ideas and talents are essential. Please join in our first formal discussion.

We will be holding a call at 9pm eastern time / 6:00 pm Pacific time / 7:00 pm mountain time on Wednesday, August 21st.

On Wednesday 9:00 PM Eastern Time August 21, 2019 Dial-in Number: (605)313 5140

● Participant Code: 953205

● Playback Number: (605) 313-5153

Suggested Titles:

How to effectively work together

How to effectively voice concerns

Check list for seeding and settling an assembly

What We the People are doing about governments in every state having no bond and no accountability (See below)

Are your attorneys/ judges/government employees registered with this is a felony if they are not...

(See definition below)

Plan for next meeting

FARA is a disclosure statute that requires persons in the United States who are acting as agents of foreign principals, and engaged in certain specified activities within the United States, to register with the Department and to make periodic public disclosure of their relationship with the foreign principal, as well as to disclose activities, receipts, and disbursements in support of those activities. An important purpose served by FARA is to inform the government and the people of the United States of the identity of persons engaging in political activities for or on behalf of foreign governments, foreign political parties, and other foreign principals, so that their statements and activities can be viewed in light of their associations.

Given the fact that all court employees/government are employed by a foreign entity requires every foreign agent register OMB #1124-0001 - Title 18 Sec 951 & 18 U.S.C. § 956 - U.S. Code - Unannotated Title 18. Crimes and Criminal Procedure § 951. Agents of foreign governments -18 U.S. Code § 956. Conspiracy to kill, kidnap, maim, or injure persons or damage property in a foreign country

This is an example of a public notice regarding bonds please adjust for your state with appropriate constitutional laws:

1. Are most of the Public Servants: Judges- New Mexico Supreme Court, Court of appeals and all lower courts, Governor, Mayors, Attorney General etc. in violation of NMSA 10-2-7?

2. Have all the public servants failed to be accountable according to Article XX, Section 1, Constitution for the State of New Mexico, while denying the authority of Congress of the United States contained in 36 stat. 557 and irrevocable ordinances in Article XXII section 19 Constitution of the Republic State of New Mexico and state statutes Section 10-2-5, 6, 7, and 9 NMSA 1978; also denying the power of the 5th amendment of the Constitution, the United States?

3. Are all rulings and orders null and void because the public servants failed to Bond their oath of office?

4. Are police officers in violation of their affirmations and working as revenue generators for the judges?

5. What does the constitution say about the right to a fair trial?

6. What does the Constitution of the United States say about Right to Travel?(Have you seen NH recent ruling on Right to Travel?) Why are we allowing the police abuse in other states?

7. Given the law, the New Mexico Constitution and the Constitution of the united State of America, are all public servant positions empty?

8. Are the [for profit, private, unconstitutional, foreign] courts and governments out of control and extorting we the people?

BONDS OF PUBLIC OFFICIALS in the State of New Mexico:

Be it noted that All Laws enacted must be " PURSUANT TO THE CONSTITUTION:

Federalist Paper #78 (para 10)
....…every act of a delegated authority, contrary to the tenor of the commission under which it is exercised, is void. No legislative act, therefore, contrary to the Constitution, can be valid. To deny this, would be to affirm, that the deputy is greater than his principal; that the servant is above his master; that the representatives of the people are superior to the people themselves; that men acting by virtue of powers, may do, not only what their powers do not authorize, but what they forbid.

ARTICLE VI clause 2 & 3, U.S. Constitution

Pt. 2} “This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the Constitution or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding”.

Pt. 3.}“The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and this the members of the several state legislatures, and all executive and judicial officers, both of the United States and of the several states, shall be bound by oath or affirmation, to support this Constitution” [in part} ********* Has the U.S. Constitution been amended regarding this matter ? NO..! ******

Regarding New Mexico state Bonding laws:

New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming have specific strict state statues giving effect to their Constitutional mandates that "all public officers" be bound by an oath of office, in other words consummate "a contract binding one to the promised contained in the oath of office:


36 Statutes at Large 557, Chapter 310 - & 14 Stat. 557

Sec. 2. Meeting of delegates; mandatory provisions of constitution.

The delegates to the convention thus elected shall meet in the hall of the house of

representatives in the capital of the territory of New Mexico at twelve o’clock noon on the fourth Monday after their election, and they shall receive compensation for the period they actually are in session, but not for more than sixty days in all. After organization they shall declare on behalf of the people of said proposed state that they adopt the constitution of the United States, whereupon the said convention shall be, and is hereby, authorized to form a constitution and provide for a state government for said proposed state, all in the manner and under the conditions contained in this act. The constitution shall be republican in form and make no distinction in civil or political rights on account of race or color, and shall not be repugnant to the constitution of the United States and the principles of the declaration of


And said convention shall provide, by an ordinance “ irrevocable without the consent of the United States (congress) and the people of said state ”: (see: Art. XXI, Sec.10 NM Constitution)

Originally, territorial statutes that required taking Oath and “giving” Bond and filing Bond w/ appropriate office (NM Sec. of state) were codified by Congress in 5-2-1 thru 12, (later amended (illegally) in NMSA 10-2-1 thru 12} in support of U.S. Constitution Art. VI, clause. 2 & 3…

The provision requiring “taking Oath and giving Bond”was challenged for subsequent public officers and the NMSC ruled in: Board of Comm’rs v . District Court 29 NM. 244, 223 P. 516 1924, (citing the Thomas v. Owens 4 Md.89), that “all subsequent elected or appointed public officers” are REQUIRED’ to take oath of office and ‘give” bond, also stating “where the Constitution defines the qualification of an officer, it is not’ within the power of the legislature to change or superadd to it, unless the power be expressly, or by necessary implication given to it.” {ie: where is their “DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY”…!!!}

State Statutes: “ Bonds ”………………………………………………………….

“ 2013 New Mexico Statutes ” (the following Statutes are State Law based on the “Enabling Act for statehood”, and may not be amended by mere Court Rulings and or legislative resolutions and therefore have never been repealed).

Chapter 10 - Public Officers and Employees
Article 2 - Bonds
Section 10-2-1 - [Sureties on bonds; qualifications.] Universal Citation:

No bond of any public officer of this state executed by any individual, or firm as surety, shall be accepted or approved unless the persons or firm executing the same shall be the owners of unencumbered real estate or personal property in this state to an amount equal to the amount for which they respectively qualify on such bonds.

History: Laws 1909, ch. 122, § 2; Code 1915, § 511; C.S. 1929, § 17-107; 1941 Comp., § 10-201; 1953 Comp., § 5-2-1.

Section 10-2-2 - [County or district officer not to be surety for another official.]

10-2-2. [County or district officer not to be surety for another official.] (1882)

No county or district officer shall be in future surety on the official bond of another county officer, and no such officer who shall be required to give bond shall be considered as qualified, if any other of the officers above mentioned shall give such bond.

2013 New Mexico Statutes
Chapter 10 - Public Officers and Employees
Article 2 - Bonds
Section 10-2-3 - [State and county officers prohibited from being sureties.]

Universal Citation: NM Stat § 10-2-3 (2013)

10-2-3. [State and county officers prohibited from being sureties.] It shall be unlawful for any state or county officer who is required by law to give official bonds to sign any bond or become surety for any other person or persons during the term for which he is required to give official bonds for himself.

History: Laws 1903, ch. 57, § 1; Code 1915, § 513; C.S. 1929, § 17-109; 1941 Comp., § 10-203; 1953 Comp., § 5-2-3.

Article 2 - Bonds
Section 10-2-5 - [Recording of bonds required.]

10-2-5. [Recording of bonds required.] The bonds given by all persons elected or appointed to office in this state shall be recorded.

Article 2 - Bonds
Section 10-2-6 - [Record of official bonds of state and district officers.]

The bonds of all state and district officers shall be recorded in a record book to be provided for that purpose, and known as the record of official bonds, in the office of the secretary of state.

History: Laws 1893, ch. 56, § 2; C.L. 1897, § 3188; Code 1915, § 516; C.S. 1929, § 17-112; 1941 Comp., § 10-206; 1953 Comp., § 5-2-6.

Article 2 - Bonds
Section 10-2-7 - [Filing of bonds by officials of state and state agencies.]

The bonds of all state officials, and of the members of all state boards and institutions, after having been recorded as required by law, shall be filed and kept in the office of the secretary of state; and all state bonds now filed elsewhere shall be transferred to the office of the secretary.

History: Laws 1905, ch. 59, § 1; Code 1915, § 517; 1941 Comp., § 10-207; 1953 Comp.

Section 10-2-8. County and precinct officers; recording and filing bonds. “ The bonds of all county officers and constables shall be recorded in the office of the county clerk in a book designated as the record of official bonds. After having been recorded, the bonds shall be filed and kept in the office of the county clerk ”.
Article 2 - Bonds
Section 10-2-9 - [Recording as prerequisite to discharging duties of office.] Each and every person who may hereafter be elected or appointed to office in this state, required by law to give bond, shall file the same for record before entering upon the discharge of the duties of the office.

History: Laws 1893, ch. 56, § 5; C.L. 1897, § 3190; Code 1915, § 519; C.S. 1929, § 17-115; 1941 Comp., § 10-209; 1953 Comp., § 5-2-9.
Article 2 - Bonds
Section 10-2-10 - [Action on bond; use of certified copy.]

In all actions at law upon the bond of any officer in this state wherein the original bond of such officer cannot be produced in court, the certified copy thereof, under the seal of the officer making the record, shall be received by any court for the same uses and purposes as the original bond; and any judgment rendered and execution issued against the principal and sureties therein shall be as valid and binding and of as full force and effect as if the original bond had been produced in court in said action at law.

Article 2 - Bonds
Section 10-2-11 - [Recording fees; payment by officer.]

The county clerk of each of the several counties shall be entitled to a fee of two dollars and fifty cents ($2.50) for filing and recording each bond of a county officer, and one dollar [($1.00)] for filing and recording each bond of a precinct officer; the fees for such filing and record to be paid by the officer filing the same, at the time of such filing.

(Note: not out of “the Public’s Treasury”)

Article 2 - Bonds
Section 10-2-12 - [Insufficient bond of county or precinct officer; new bond required; failure to provide; procedure; decree of vacancy by district court.] (1939)

“ It shall be the duty of the board of county commissioners of each county at each regular meeting thereof on the first day of each meeting to examine and inquire into the sufficiency of all the official bonds given or to be given by any county or precinct officer as required by law, and if it shall appear that any one or more of the securities on the official bond of any county officer has or have removed from the county, died, or become insolvent, or of doubtful solvency, the said board of county commissioners shall cause such county or precinct officer to be summoned to appear before the said board on a day to be named in said summons, to show cause why he should not be required to give a new bond with sufficient security, and if at the appointed time he shall fail to satisfy said board as to the sufficiency of the present security, an order shall be entered of record by said board requiring such county or precinct officer, to file in the office of the county clerk within twenty days, a new bond to be approved as required by law, unless the number and pecuniary ability of other securities on said bond shall be such as to satisfy the board that the bond is sufficient, notwithstanding one or more of the securities on said bond may have removed, be dead, insolvent or of doubtful solvency, in which case the bond in question may be, in the discretion of the board, held sufficient. In the event any such bond is found insufficient, and a new bond is not filed as ordered, the fact shall be certified by the board of county commissioners to the district court of the county, and shall also be certified to the district attorney of the judicial district wherein such county is located; and it shall thereupon become the duty of the district attorney to cause a hearing to be had in said district court for the purpose of adjudicating and declaring a vacancy in such office, in the event the district court determines, after a hearing, that the bond is in fact insufficient, and such officer fails within five days after the district court has so found to file a new bond with sufficient surety as required by law.

*NM Stat § 10-1-13 (2013) . “County Comm’ers Handbook” County officers; oath; bond. A. As used in this section, "county officer" means county commissioner, county assessor, county clerk, county sheriff, county treasurer, probate judge, county flood commissioner and small claims court clerk.

*B. “ Before assuming the duties of office ”, each county officer shall take and subscribe the oath of office prescribed by the Constitution of New Mexico and “give” an official bond payable to the state…………

NOTE: There is an official bond required for the position of sheriff (§10-1-13).

This bond, which must be executed by a sheriff before he assumes the duties of the office, must be made payable to the state on two conditions:

Statutory requirements apply to the office of sheriff after the person has been elected (§§4-41-2 through 4-41-22).

Any person who shall enter upon or attempt to execute any official duty as sheriff or as ex-officio collector, without having first executed and filed his official bond and oath of office as above required, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction in the district court, shall be fined in any sum not exceeding three hundred dollars ($300), in the discretion of the court (§4-41-3).

4-41-3 Failure to execute bond and oath; performing duties; penalty. Any person who shall enter upon or attempt to execute any official duty as sheriff or as ex-officio collector, without having first executed and filed his official bond and oath of office as above required, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction in the district court, shall be fined in any sum not exceeding three hundred dollars [($300)], in the discretion of the court.

4-41-2 The sheriff shall be conservator of the peace within his county; shall suppress assaults and batteries, and apprehend and commit to jail, all felons and traitors, and cause all offenders to keep the peace and to appear at the next term of the court and answer such charges as may be preferred against them.

This section and 3-13-2 NMSA 1978 authorize peace officers to suppress disturbances and breaches of the peace; the power and duty to suppress breaches of the peace includes the right to take any reasonable steps to prevent a breach of the peace from occurring when the officers have good reason to believe that a disturbance may take place. State v. Hilliard, 107 N.M. 506, 760 P.2d 799 (Ct. App. 1988).

4-41-10 Right to carry arms; deputies; appointment.

All sheriffs shall at all times be considered as in the discharge of their duties and be allowed to carry arms on their persons. On the appointment of any regular or permanent deputy sheriff, it shall be the duty of the sheriff to file one notice of the appointment in the office of the county clerk of the sheriff's county and one notice of the appointment in the office of the clerk of the district court of that county, and each of the sheriff's deputies shall file an oath of office in the office of the county clerk.

Any sheriff is hereby authorized at any time to appoint respectable and orderly persons as special deputies to serve any particular order, writ or process or when in the opinion of any sheriff the appointment of special deputies is necessary and required for the purpose of preserving the peace, and it shall not be necessary to give or file any notice of such special appointment; however, the provision authorizing the carrying of concealed arms shall not apply to such persons. Provided, no person shall be eligible to appointment as a deputy sheriff unless the person is a citizen of the United States of America.

There shall be no additional fees or per diem paid by the counties for any additional deputies other than as provided by law.


The Constitution of the United States (1787) is the Supreme Law of the Land.

The laws governing the state of New Mexico must be subject to and in harmony with the supreme Law of the Land… Any’ executive, legislative, administrative and or judicial actions, outside of the Rule of Law, “establishes as evidence” that said governing body is acting in violation of both Constitutions, thus manifesting evidence of a de-facto government in operation…

By consistently ignoring state law, officials have combined (conspired) together, “declaring themselves” vested with power far beyond Constitutional authority, subjecting us to a “jurisdiction foreign to our Constitution”. A de-facto system, having created a despot venue of pretended (commercial / color of law) legislation which without their knowledge or approval, subjects the people to a form on monetary extortion and peonage (slavery), depriving them of their right to life, liberty and property, all of which is un-acknowledged by our Laws..!

Due to the numerous grievances aired by the Citizens of this County in regards to this matter, the issue of lawful Constitutional requirements to hold public office has been consistently, negligently and criminally construed to mis-inform the public.

In light of the above information,to suggest that the state Constitution has been “lawfully amended” by legislative process is an absolute lie..!

Thus, a one-time “ blanket bond ”, (ie: Surety Bond Act of 1978) covering an entire “group of elected officials” void of Constitutional Oath, hidden in obscurity from public viewing, is now somehow fulfilling the legal requirements to hold public office, its absurd ..!

Actually, it’s criminal..!

In order to amend the state constitution, the request must first be authorized by congress. Once approved by congress and state legislators, a referendum presented to the people must be “Openly published and clearly spelled out in plain language” as to intent of the action. Ambiguity in attempts to mislead the public on such issues would clearly constitute a violation of fiduciary integrity.

Furthermore, there is no evidence and or records to support the fact that in 1978 when the so-called “Surety Bond Act” was introduced, that any of the elected officials “posing as legislators of that time were “Legally Bonded”..! (NMSA 10-2-9, Recording of Bonds Prerequisite to discharging the duties of office)

As per Article VI, sections 2 & 3 of the Constitution of these United States, all government entities (including the Courts and all de-facto agencies, ie: STATE OF NEW MEXICO) all actions “ must be pursuant to the Constitution of the United States of America and the state of New Mexico ”….

By supreme law, it is of no matter is if said jurisdiction be considered, Legislative, administrative, Equity, statutory, Regulatory, International, Admiralty/Maritime, and or by any other name, according to the rule of law, all officials, agents and employees are required by federal, state and municipal statutes to “give bond”… “Whoever, having taken an Oath before a competent tribunal, officer, or person in which a law of the United States authorizes an oath to be administered, willfully and contrary to such oath states or subscribes any material matter which he/she does not believe to be true, is guilty of perjury and shall be fined no more than 42000.00 or imprisoned not more than five years”. (18 U.S.C. #1621)

The OFFICE HOLDER Bonding Problem, why so hard for The People to understand ?

If the people can-not sue for their Rights, they have no rights..!

If you can’t sue the Gov. or an official – you have no standing…

All legislative Acts, Codes, Rules, Regulations, and Ordinances, are “Prima Facie” (color of law) and not Laws, but rather “Commercial Contracts” thus creating statutory quazi-violations (ie: W/O an injured party)..! That’s why they never call them “Laws”…

They would immediately be challenged in court on Constitutional grounds...!

Certainly not all judges and or attorneys are willfully bad, however, the so-called Judges (as members of the BAR) continually ignore the Constitution and rights of the people, and the legislators (many are members of the BAR) create oceans of rules, regulations, codes and ordinances (using public funds) against an ignorant public who assume that government is acting in a lawful manor on their behalf…


This labor union, “the Bar Association”, unaccountable to the electorate, has attempted to forbid anyone but union (Bar) attorneys to give legal advice, and has thus prevented anyone from being assisted in court by a non-union legal advisor or a non-Bar member… Beside the fact that this non-governmental private association, illegally holds the people in a condition of “Peonage”, their actions are also in violation of anti-trust and anti-monopoly laws of the U.S…

FYI: In Accordance with an “ACT OF LEGISLATURE MARCH 16th. 1897 ” *1047. In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to be heard by himself or council, or’ “ANY OTHER PERSON” who may defend him, to demand the nature and cause of the accusation against him… (Also see sections: 3778, of the same Act)

Section 3779: To guard against transgressions of the high powers herein delegated, we declare that everything in this Bill of Rights, is excepted out of the general power of government, and shall forever remain INVIOLATE, and all laws contrary thereto, or to the provisions thereof, SHALL BE VOID…..

We must remember, ENABLING ACT FOR NEW MEXICO Act of June 20, 1910,

36 Statutes at Large 557, Chapter 310 - & 14 Stat. 557 said convention shall provide, by an ordinance “ irrevocable without the consent of the United States (congress) and the people of said state ”: (see: Art. XXI, Sec.10 NM Constitution)

The state Supreme Court has no constitutional authority (legislative powers) to re-write or amend the supreme law..! "No state legislator or executive or judicial officer can war against the Constitution without violating his undertaking to support it." { See: COOPER v. AARON, 358 U.S. 1, 78 S. Ct. 1401 (1958) }