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Arkansas Nation State sample letters

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2020 4:34 pm
by Elizabeth Enyeart
Arkansas Nation=State SAMPLE LETTER
General Jural Assembly
Conscientious Immunization Exemption

We the People in Arkansas Nation=State General Assembly hereby announce the unconstitutionality of our rights to self govern being violated by the World Health Organization, and the Centers for disease control., and possibly even the Governor of The State of Arkansas Corporation.
We exercise our human rights over our own bodies and those of our children, being usurped over us by unconstitutional codes/statutes being used as legitimate laws for us to adhere to. These Corporate codes and statues are not the original laws that, We the People put in place many years ago, and do not have jurisdiction over us within each County/Territory.
It is our belief that under the Constitution and common law of the County/Territory we are self governing, and we follow the The U.S. Supreme Court held in Frazee V. Illinois Dept. of Security, 489 U.S. 829, that a religious belief is subject to protection even though no religious group espouses such beliefs, or the fact that the religious group to which the individual professes to belong may not advocate or require such a belief.
This ruling is also reflected in Title VII of the Civil Rights act of 1964 as amended Nov.1 1980: Part 1605.1-Guidelines on Discrimination because of Religion.
We declare under this international right to self determination, as a refusal of vaccinations, contact management, or anything being imposed upon me.

As Medical, Religious, or Philosophical, ideologies are all contained under the freedoms to self government, and we here by reject any contact information, or removal from homes to quarantine, or vaccination shots and any other violations of our Constitutional rights as American State Nationals.

PETITION: No to mandatory contact tracing and government surveillance for the coronavirus, or any other invasive viruses.

UPDATED (5-12-20)
As government agencies prepare to “re-open” society, serious concerns have been raised about federal and state plans to track people – using smartphones and other technologies – who have been infected with the coronavirus.
In an almost unbelieveable move, Democrats in the House of Representatives have filed a bill called ‘H.R. 6666 – COVID-19 Testing, Reaching, And Contacting Everyone,’ or the TRACE Act.
If passed, the measure would give the federal government $100 BILLION for “diagnostic testing for COVID–19, to trace and monitor the contacts of infected individuals, and to support the quarantine of such contacts…”
And, most chillingly, the bill would also provide for “services” related to the “quarantine [of people] at their residences.” 
What does that mean? Would government agents be charged with keeping citizens under “house arrest?”
This is outrageous, and it’s happening right now. If Congress passes a federal law mandating contact tracing, the possibility for abuse – at federal, state, and local levels – boggles the mind.
Please sign this urgent petition which urges Congress and state governors to reject mandatory government contact tracing and surveillance, especially using smartphone technology.
In related news, regulations issued in Kansas City only two weeks ago would have required that businesses ask all customers, who visited their premises for more than 10 minutes, to provide their names and contact details.
Otherwise, the businesses were required (by the city) to refuse service.
Fortunately, that invasion of privacy in Kansas City has now been quietly changed from a mandate to a recommendation.
But, if we do not continue to react, this could be a sign of things to come in other parts of the country.
We simply must resist imposing Big Brother on ourselves for “safety’s sake.”
The basic idea of using new technologies for contact tracing and surveillance is that a smartphone app will record each instance when an infected person comes into contact with an uninfected person, and, theoretically, notify the uninfected person of possible exposure to COVID-19.
Essentially, your phone could be equipped to spy on you for the government.
And, with government overreach like what we saw in Kansas City, and, potentially in the US Congress, that’s exactly what we’re facing if we don’t demand that the federal and state governments prohibit mandatory contact tracing.
There are massive concerns with privacy, security and efficacy.
Here is a list of the biggest threats to freedom:
Government Surveillance and Privacy – Such apps might not only allow the government to trace your movements (which it can already do), but know who your associates are. Is it really the government’s business who you associate with?
Security – These apps are ripe for attacks by hackers. Do you really want some unknown people, company or govenment to know who your friends and family are?
The Data – Who will really have access to this data and how long will it be stored? Do you trust ‘Big Tech’ and the state to do “the right thing” with your data?
State vs Fed – Any kind of investigative and quarantine powers should remain with state and local authorities, only. Involvement by the federal government is something to be avoided. 
Please sign this petition which calls on the U.S. Congress and every state governor to reject mandatory contact tracing and surveillance, especially using smartphone technology.
The threat to personal freedom and to privacy is not to be minimized. It is already happening in other countries.
In South Korea, for example, where contact tracing is mandatory, people’s private details, like credit card information, GPS location data, CCTV footage, travel documents, and medical records, have been used by the government to discourage free movement.
Using targeted cell phone texts, they have gone so far as to blast out particular personal information about individuals who have tested positive for a contagious disease.
Anyone can see that such a system could be open to abuse…
Today, government authorities focus on health concerns, but who says that they won’t focus on political considerations in the future?
And, there are other serious concerns about contact tracing with smartphone surveillance, chief among them being: will this technology work at all?
Experts, like Dr. Farzad Mostashari, the former national coordinator for health information technology at the Department of Health and Human Services, who was interviewed by The Verge, suggest that false positives will be a major problem.

We are seating ourselves in every County/Territory across this Nation, and we have the Power to invoke Military help if need be.
We take Pride in our Constitution, The Republic for the united States of America, and we will not be bullied by corporate statues and codes that are neither legitimate, nor lawful.
The County Sheriff is our law enforcement, see attachment as to what they say we are to do.
There exists 2 forms of Government with two separate forms of governance, Republic(DeJure) and Democratic(DeFacto)
We choose to take our rightful place in history and seat our government accordingly.
There are Federal laws in place that secures our rights to peaceably assemble, and be safe in our persons.
No De Facto laws or UN/WHO quarantines ,will ever supersede that .

Re: Arkansas Nation State Sample letters simple form

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2020 4:39 pm
by Elizabeth Enyeart
Arkansas Nation=State
General Jural Assembly
Conscientious Immunization Exemption

We the People in Arkansas Nation=State General Jural Assembly hereby announce the unconstitutionality of our rights to self govern being violated by the World Health Organization, and the Centers for disease control., and possibly even the Governor of The State of Arkansas Corporation.
We exercise our human rights over our own bodies and those of our children, being usurped over us by unconstitutional codes/statutes being used as legitimate laws for us to adhere to. These Corporate codes and statues are not the original laws that, We the People put in place many years ago, and do not have jurisdiction over us within each County/Territory.
It is our belief that under the Constitution and common law of the County/Territory we are self governing, and we follow the The U.S. Supreme Court held in Frazee V. Illinois Dept. of Security, 489 U.S. 829, that a religious belief is subject to protection even though no religious group espouses such beliefs, or the fact that the religious group to which the individual professes to belong may not advocate or require such a belief.
This ruling is also reflected in Title VII of the Civil Rights act of 1964 as amended Nov.1 1980: Part 1605.1-Guidelines on Discrimination because of Religion.
As Medical, Religious, or Philosophical, are all contained under the freedoms to self government, and we here by reject any contact information, removal from homes to quarantines, and any other violations of our Constitutional rights as American State Nationals and Citizens.
We are seating ourselves in every County/Territory across this Nation, and we have the Power to invoke Military help if need be.
We take Pride in our Constitution, The Republic for the united States of America, and we will not be bullied by corporate statues and codes that are neither legitimate, nor lawful.
The Constitutional County Sheriffs and Police Officers are our law enforcement.
There exists 2 forms of Government with two separate forms of governance, Republic(DeJure) and Democratic(DeFacto)
We choose to take our rightful place in history and seat our government accordingly.
There are Federal laws in place that secures our rights to peaceably assemble, and be safe in our persons.
No De Facto laws or UN/WHO quarantines ,will ever supersede that .
We The People
Of the United States of America
50 Nation States in Union
Decree by autographed seal
“So let it be said, So let it be done”

Name: Date:


Re: Constitutional Sheriff's Association

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2020 4:40 pm
by Elizabeth Enyeart

Re: Arkansas Nation State sample letters

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2020 4:46 pm
by Elizabeth Enyeart
change the name for your own State Assemblies,
and use anything that would serve your purpose.
Good Luck

Re: member enrollment

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2020 4:55 pm
by Elizabeth Enyeart
We have 7 new members, and are scheduled to have a Arkansas conference call July 7th at 5:30 p.m.
it will be a online call with several people in our group.
I also will be setting up a free conference call line for history and I will be recording the call, it is for educational history, and social fellowship with our friendship treaty.
Most of our pre civil war history is posted on these two websites. and
I will announce the conference call line when i get it up and going.
God Bless America
and the People of this great Nation

Re: Arkansas Nation State sample letters

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2020 4:18 pm
by Elizabeth Enyeart
membership accounted at 11