Contra Costa - my introduction

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Randy- IGWT
Posts: 1
Joined: Mon Apr 12, 2021 5:38 pm
County: Contra Costa
Your State: California

Contra Costa - my introduction

Unread post by Randy- IGWT »

My name is Randy, I am a lifelong resident of Contra Costa County, California.

Over the last 30 years I have watched government corruption grow to the point of our near destruction. Allowing “leaders” who blatantly lie, ignore the rule of law, and whose only interest is in their own personal gain and power, rather than our communities, can no longer be accepted.

Over those years I’ve tried to understand what really happened. I’ve explored in some depth the history of political corruption, education, and international banking. But I know there are big gaps in the history I have unraveled. In the last year I’ve begun to explore the corruption of our legal system. Through recent exposure to information about common law and the de facto system of law, and the BAR system, I understand better now, why most attorneys cannot be trusted to represent my/your/our interests. What a wake up call that was!

Here are some of my grievances (1st amendment) against our state and county governments.
• The near collapse of California’s Oroville dam in 2017, in which 190,000 residents were ordered to emergency evacuate due to negligently deferred maintenance, which was a conscious decision, was nearly catastrophic. It was not a one-off event but is representative of systemic corruption and criminal negligence.
• The failure to properly manage forests and maintain fire roads contributed to the catastrophic loss of life and property in 2019 and 2020. Blaming the destruction on climate change to avoid accountability is a lie.
• The incomplete California “high speed” rail initiative has incurred billions of dollars in debt and waste based on a fraudulent ballot initiative. The advertised system never had the capability to achieve design performance specifications over the Tehachapi Mountains. It is naïve to think that people in government did not know this.
• The recent audit by California state auditor Elaine Howell determined, and the California Labor Secretary Julie Su estimated the state has paid $11.4 billion in fraudulent claims during the pandemic, representing 10% of the more than $114 billion in benefits paid since March.” ... dit-covid/
• The lives of young people, in our county and state, whose education has been irreparably impacted by a lock down, some of whom have no doubt committed suicide, become addicted to drugs or alcohol is a tragedy, which no one of good conscience can ignore. As the future of society is based on the skill and abilities of those who carry forward, we have all been grievously harmed by a fraud intentionally perpetrated.
• The Dominon voting system, based on substantial evidence in the public domain is a fraud. Contra Costa uses the Dominion voting system. Are my “elected representatives” legitimate? Am I taxed without representation?

Are my grievances – which are my opinion, worthy of investigation by a grand jury? I believe they are, but under the current system that has not happened and apparently will not happen.

I would like to see Contra Costa County settle following the National Assembly process. As much as I would like to see it happen quickly, it will require time. It will require time for concerned individuals to come together, to discuss and to explore what we know, what we need to know, what needs to be done and what we can do. Just looking at the short list above, there is a challenging task which must be done, if we are to preserve any rule of law.

I would like to share what I’ve learned, and also learn from you and with you. I believe the search for truth, and unraveling the lies, will be a journey worth taking.

Mark Twain once said “It is easier to fool people than to persuade them they’ve been fooled.” I apologize for going off topic, but most of us were persuaded that Camelot is in England. If you do a map search for Camelot, France you will discover it’s been about 350 miles south west of Paris, near the town of Bordeaux the whole time. There are some beautiful castles are there – check it out.

I sincerely hope we have an opportunity to work together for the sake of our children, our neighbors, and the preservation of the great ideals which our founding fathers bequeathed us.
Randy IGWT
Posts: 216
Joined: Thu Apr 30, 2020 8:04 am
County: Riverside
Your State: California

Re: Contra Costa - my introduction

Unread post by sstrykert »

Thank you for these grievances Randy.

This is in line with what we should be working on, along with our first meetings and oaths at the appropriate places in the ten steps. Most of us I think will have many similar grievances and then a handful of issues with say local sheriffs, and the like, which can be used further along, and are more county based. I recall in our earliest meetings in the fledgling version of this assembly, we actually did a night discussing grievances, I'll have to go through notes for that.

Now we need to get our counts up and come together, I'm thinking central California would be best for those in the north and south, but we need to get our assembly head count in central California up, and some eyes to scope out a venue.

Let's keep it going!
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