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My notes from May 24, 2018 Call

Posted: Thu May 24, 2018 11:59 pm
by AmericanFamilyPatriot
NOTICE: FYI: I'm not affiliated; in any way; with any government corporation or agency. I am man sojourning on Colorado State of the Union.

Greetings, Thank you for having these calls. I wanted to mention some of my own personal experience with certain matters discussed:

1) National Liberty Alliance (N.L.A.) - It is my personal belief that this group is nothing more than a "Honey Pot". "Honey Pot" is an IT Industry term given to websites that are created to attract members of the opposition in order to confuse them, obfuscate valuable information, and to provide disinformation. In addition, tonight I heard that the NLA leader is an attorney. Knowing that Corpus Juris Secundum defines an attorney's role with primary duty to the corporate territorial court system; and not their clients; puts them further into bad light.

2) I have NEVER; not even once; seen proof of claims that the "Common Law Grand Jury" is effective. I believe Anna even mentioned in one of her postings that this may be quite impossible [I assume so given only 1 Article III court in existence lawfully presiding (witnessing via magistrate) over Common Law matters; the United States Supreme Court's Original Jurisdiction]. I will, however, take Roger's advice about visiting the website mentioned.

Thank you so much for all you do!

Best Regards,


Re: My notes from May 24, 2018 Call

Posted: Sat May 26, 2018 10:42 am
by maxrn09
Hello John,
I also stand firmly on the soil of my birth, and domicile in colorado state. Nice to know there are some like minded sovereigns here. Blessings!